Thursday, December 30, 2010

Patch No Cd Sims 2 Bon Voyage

Forza Nuova and the National Popular Movement welcome the accession of camerati del Movimento Patria Nostra al patto operativo che mira alla costruzione di un blocco compatto dei movimenti antagonisti.
Qui di seguito il comunicato che il Movimento di Valerio Arenare sta diffondendo sui forum, su facebook e per posta elettronica.

"Nei giorni scorsi, sono avvenuti in più fasi incontri tra i dirigenti nazionali del Movimento Patria Nostra, il rappresentante del Movimento Nazional Popolare, Nicola Cospito e Roberto Fiore, segretario di Forza Nuova. Nei cordialissimi incontri, abbiamo avuto modo di constatare una certa similitudine se non addirittura uguaglianza di idee che daranno modo di rendere reale la formazione di quello che stiamo rinominando "polo antagonista". In fact, the three movements mentioned above are the only ones now in Italy, really inspired and antagonism from the "Third Way" and that they have no intention to enter into agreements or pseudoparentele with the PDL and its related or derived!
The agreement will allow the three movements to cooperate in initiatives aimed at the social (the Islamic invasion No, No to abortion, tough battle against child abuse, etc.) Initiatives, but you can also evaluate character electoral arrangements in the initial administrative deadlines, but also in others, by providing lists of names as members of the MPN. Each movement, however, retain their autonomy organizational and structural. Already the next few days will begin the first contact between our leaders and the MNP and Forza Nuova in Rome and in some areas of the country. At the Congress of Women of Action to be held in Palermo in April 2011 we will have responsible for FN as speakers and the same will happen in Varese. "

Movement Patria Nostra

Monday, December 27, 2010

Remote Host Said: 554 Spam Email


Riceviamo notizia del fatto che il Consiglio Provinciale ha approvato un documento, presentato dal commissario straordinario De Simone, che, tra i tanti punti, prevede anche la creazione di un ospedale unico della Piana del Sele, ossia la soppressione degli ospedali di Roccadaspide, Agropoli, Oliveto Citra, Eboli e Battipaglia. Per quanto compete la nostra area, se non si presenta la totale soppressione della struttura rocchese, ci sarà almeno la chiusura del suo pronto soccorso: ci pare inammissibile che di un tale project is not absurd to talk constantly. The motivation is even more unfounded from which this project is the desire to combat waste, waste which certainly has not affected our health! We, as defenders of the people, we want to emphasize the tone that characterizes us yet another injustice that you want to exercise! We would like to strongly oppose the possible closure of the hospital Roccadaspide that, as known, is of vital importance for the entire Valley of the Heat, because, according also to one simple logic, it seems impossible for a citizen should do a route more than an hour to reach an appropriate facility to tackle the emergencies most often! Our government knows the difficulties that a citizen of our area in the move! We promise to propose initiatives to raise the voice of the people, which certainly will join us in our battle! With time, we hope to achieve positive results for the entire population of the area population that can not be absolutely disgraceful that decision!

The core of the new forces of
Valley Heat

Friday, December 24, 2010

Wording For A Three Year Old Birthday Party


Albany (SA): a student's understanding banned Christmas in Santa Sofia

In what follows we express the indignation caused by the receipt of news that, in the town of Albany, this year the kids not the Comprehensive was allowed to celebrate the events for Christmas in the most appropriate place in the house of the Lord. We receive complaints from some people albanellesi that inform us of: the news that the recitation was to be held at the Shrine of St. Sophia in Albany, the family of a Muslim girl objected so much to bring the president to decide to change location, to conduct the event in the school elements of the same municipality. We hope that will not occur in the future other manifestation of such racism! Through this statement we want to express our closeness to families that are seen to deprive the right to celebrate the Lord as they wanted, and we want to take this opportunity to oppose, for the umpteenth time, this state of affairs in which those who represent the State chooses to give greater importance to the children of others, compared to the Italians! We regret and disappoint the future, we are aware of the great devotion of albanellesi to their patron saint, and therefore we understand the disappointment of the citizens of the country. We underline our deep respect for all ethnic groups and we do not want to be accused of racism, rather than want to use is the same in respect of our Faith! Therefore, we decide to express ourselves in this way, and invite agree with our thought not to be subjected to such absurd events!

The core of the new forces of

Valley Heat

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Sep Ira Contribution Calculator 2009


Stefano Finocchiaro Provincial Commissioner, the members of the Provincial Committee, the directors and national leaders, as well as leaders local and municipal administrators,


a Merry Christmas and a 2011 full of prosperity!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Old Dutch Stock Symbol


The Provincial Commissioner of the Christian Democrats Etna, dr. Stefano Finocchiaro, expresses solidarity with the new City Commissioner of Caltagirone, Francesco Ampolo , for defamatory statements of which he was repeatedly the victim in these days of "recognition" policy. Renewing itself, also the confidence of the whole Regional Committee, Finocchiaro added: "I want to personally thank Frank for his friend had been in the forefront of the resolution dell'incresciosa issue, which arose created as a result of "bad management" by zeroing calatina leadership. I express my deepest sympathy for the deplorable insults, insults and physical threats and verbal, of which I myself was a victim, received and announced that such "morally unworthy" will be conducted soon reported to the guarantee of the Party for appropriate action. "


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Oasis Water Fountain Manual


With regard to what is stated on a number of unofficial and never authorized by Sigg. Alberto Alessi and Salvatore Patti , the Office of the Press Christian Democrats, on the orders of the provincial commissioner, dott. Stefano Finocchiaro, intende precisare quanto segue:
Si diffida il Sig. Patti Salvatore ,
-a parlare in nome e per conto della Democrazia Cristiana di Caltagirone, millantando incarichi partitici, nello specifico quello di "Vice Segretario Politico della sezione Luigi Sturzo", da cui è stato sollevato giusta determinazione, avente Prot. n° 1 del 07/10/10 ed in oggetto "Nomina Commissario Cittadino di Caltagirone", a firma del commissario provinciale. Pena: il deferimento agli organi disciplinari del Partito per gli opportuni provvedimenti;
-to reiterate statements defamatory and damaging to the professional respect and the good reputation of the Provincial Commissioner, Dr. Stefano Finocchiaro, irreparably damaged the image of the Party, by the way, provided it is not a qualification to the nobility of a person, Dr. Finocchiaro is in possession of a regular university degree in "journalism and radio broadcasting", achieved with marks 110/110 cum laude. Penalty: the referral to the disciplinary bodies of the Party for appropriate action and the quote at the premises of the judicial authorities.
It should be noted also that:
-appointment of Dr. Stefano Finocchiaro, in the functions of the provincial commissioner of Catania, is not the result of a self-as you would have us understand. Personally, the National Secretary Giuseppe Pizza has signed on 25 June 2009, the nomination, with which, among other things, the political secretary of Caltagirone Commissioner was appointed deputy commissioner of the provincial Party, was then raised for regional secretary, Dr. Ninni Pisano, once elected, formally confirmed the appointment of Dr. Finocchiaro, on September 6, 2010;
-the site of Caltagirone can no longer rise to regional point of reference, or operational, logistic - In accordance with the stated national secretary Pizza in a statement posted on the official website of the party - or symbols - such as had been agreed by national authorities - as the problems related to location of the historic section Sturzo ", which, among the other, were put forward as the main reasons for the same commissioner, are, to date, an insurmountable obstacle;
the non-adherence to the conferences organized by the DC of Caltagirone, by the leadership of the provincial Party, is justified the detached attitude of the police in organizing the political secretary calatino aforementioned conference, but apparently focused on issues of a certain political and programmatic relevance, along with other political commitments and Parthian most task - in order to polarize the membership instrumentally - and seek "political ambush" of stated Frondeurs nature, can not be shared nor acceptable
-il Sectional Council has no jurisdiction on any licensed suspected of "honest cause" (otherwise known as "moral indignity"). Responsibility for examining the remains of the body immediately above, or the Provincial Committee, which had to be applied to the case by the police calatino political secretary. Ergo, the resolution adopted by the Governing Council calatino is, in fact, totally arbitraria e del tutto autoreferenziale. Peraltro, il Comitato Provinciale, attenzionato scrupolosamente il caso del Sig. Francesco Ampolo, non ha ravvisato elementi che confermassero il sospetto dell'organo calatino, ritenendo, al contrario, l'Ampolo la persona - politicamente, professionalmente e socialmente - più adatta alla gestione commissariale ad interim. Pertanto, il Sig. Francesco Ampolo è e rimane il commissario cittadino della Dc di Caltagirone ed avrà anche la responsabilità amministrativo-organizzativa del Partito;
-le adesioni alla Dc, quella vera, non potranno mai prescindere dal titolo di studio, dal Curriculum Vitae e dall'estratto conto, metodi di valutazione "massonica" che deploriamo quite frankly, because contrary to the egalitarian principle advocated by the Social Doctrine of the Church before, the popularism Sturza then, nor will be taken into account, such methods of coercion and prefiltering elite, the political past and militancy in DC prior or subsequent to a certain date. The DC is and remains open to membership by anyone, from the historical experience of the Christian Democrats, wants to be the star of a new "season of good policy"
-assessments, although little authoritative about the political capacity of the Commissioner Provincial adhesions are not in reality. The DC is, in fact, been present in almost all municipalities of the Province Catania, affected by the replacement of elected bodies, with their own independent list or, alternatively, with its candidates running in the list of "Mayors" of the center-right coalition.

Al Mr. Alberto Alessi it should be noted, however, that:
- is not honorable (though it is signed, however, this title) since a very long, since he or left the bench in the House of Representatives, won in the wake of the surname of the late and influential (He is, in fact Mrs) Joseph Alessi, on the other hand seems to be a well-established habit, since it can boast of a daily office regionale di cui non è legittimo titolare;
-non risulta da atti, comunicati o note ufficiali, nè nella sezione "Organigramma" del sito ufficiale del Partito, che sia mai stato nominato Vicario - attualmente è semplicemente uno dei quattro vice segretari nazionali -. Al momento, abbiamo notizia dei Suoi "accorati appelli", pubblicati sul sito ufficiale, per ottenere quell'ambita carica, che, ripetiamo, non Le è mai stata ufficialmente affidata; quand'anche fosse, essendo la nomina statutariamente caratterizzata dalla coaptazione da parte del segretario nazionale e non elettiva, ci vedremmo costretti nuovamente a prender carta e calamaio per chiedere la Sua epurazione - questa volta si - per "probi Case ", in line with what we did when the twenty-first Regional Congress. There is, also, that you never have been appointed coordinator for political activities" from Rome on down "(among other things would also laugh), or" For the islands, as, instead, proudly claims, not only, you do not hold any office NEAC at the regional level, which had become infamous because the star of a regional congress Frondeurs and unlawful. As far argued, does not recognize any power ' deliberate interference with the Provincial Committee of Catania. We recognize, however, as points of reference, the regional secretary, Dr. Ninni Pisano, democraticamewnte elected by over 80% Members of the Sicilian, and the national secretary Giuseppe Pizza;
-respect of the receivership of the "L. Sturzo, we invite you to read carefully the measure signed by the Provincial Commissioner, in order to dispel any doubts about your the reasons given, clearly indicated in the abovementioned letter;
-The door to knowledge, however, that the leadership calatina is anything but historical. Suffice it to say that the Commissioner is the political secretary of the Party only in 2007;
-The first invitation, also, not to give carte blanche to his boundless imagination, inventing stories that relate to appropriate pressure a sollecitare il commissariamento da parte di alcuni dirigenti nazionali, che sono estranei alla conduzione politica e costantemente impegnati nelle attività istituzionali, e a non minacciare l'unitarietà interna del Partito, furbesca strategia con cui in passato ha prima elemosinato e poi ottenuto più "poltrone" per Lei e per i Suoi luogotenenti, pur non avendo politicamente i "numeri";
-La diffidiamo dal sostenere che il blog ufficiale della Segreteria Provinciale di Catania non sia autorizzato. Per Sua informazione, l'ufficialità del blog e la contestuale autorizzazione sono state sancite, con voto unanime, dal Comitato Provinciale, giustappunto interpellato;
-La invitiamo, Furthermore, to clarify, given the "significant political influence" and saw your continuous call to a certain transparency, its positions, as it seems on the verge of taking new initiatives with false intent federal party, separate and apart from the Christian Democrats, nevertheless with the clear intention to use, once again, illegally the name and symbol of the Party;
-serious and strident, a professed Catholic, its maximum in the queue. For it is clear to all true Christians as God's mercy knows no boundaries and accept, in accordance with the parable of the Prodigal Son, everyone, without distinction of their background, qualifications, CV and statement of income, without "going miss anyone. "He also broke the First Commandment that order, with no possibility of interpretation," not to mention God's name in vain. "Thank you" to Him who moves everything, "each of us has its own intellectual power and will allow us, we are all far dall'insania who wanted to overshadow arrogantly. The title of this post which seem to be The Illuminating.


Press Democracy Christian Catania

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Watch South Park Subtitled Streaming

Calatino DC, FRANK Ampolo

Provincial Committee of Catania

Prot # 1 07/10/2010

Egr. Francesco Ampolo ,
C.da Romana, 28 95041
- Caltagirone (CT) and PC

the Regional Secretary, Dr.
Ninni Pisano

the National Secretary, On
Giuseppe Pizza

Subject: Appointment Commissario Cittadino di Caltagirone

Carissimo Francesco,

pregiami comunicarTi che, sentito il Comitato Provinciale, ho deciso di nominarTi, in ossequio all’art. 30 dello Statuto del Partito, commissario cittadino della Democrazia Cristiana a Caltagirone.
La nomina, che avrà immediata esecutività, è resasi necessaria per una serie di violazioni statutarie, ad opera del segretario politico della sezione “Luigi Sturzo” in carica, che hanno creato non pochi malumori tra gli iscritti calatini e irrimediabile nocumento all’immagine della Democrazia Cristiana.
Una inappropriata and "cheerful" run from the administrative point of view has, in fact, had a negative impact on the management and maintenance of local sectional, with the costs of hiring, regularly circumvented, have been incorrectly attributed to some members, who, to their legitimate complaints were arbitrarily relegated to the margins of the political party on earth calatina. For Your
recognized militant activism in the ranks of the Christian Democratic Party, urge you also to give back credibility and incisive political action and program of the DC in Caltagirone, immediately throwing the groundwork for a renewed political commitment at the next preparatory commitments electoral and skillfully interweaving network a "consensus" around the DC, encouraging new membership and open to the authoritative bodies from the "fabric" socio-economic Caltagirone.
authorizes you, however, to review the decisions of the organs of the DC calatina taken until now for a timely and accurate completion of your new function. Even
, to confer powers for the fulfillment of all statutory acts provided.
Every act to measure, according to the guidelines and statutory willing, will be taken care of submitting your will to share and after approval, the Provincial Commissioner.
Wishing you good job, I urge you to remedy the problem related to the historical section "Luigi Sturzo" so as to restore dignity to the glory of the Christian Democratic Party, who was brutally humiliated in the eyes of civil society calatina.


Stefano Finocchiaro
(signed original)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

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Regional Secretariat Sicily

the regional secretary

Provincial Commissioners of Sicily are invited to a planning meeting September 18, 2010 at 9:30 am at the local sites in Enna in Sicily Course No. 79.

the regional secretary
Dr. Pisano Ninni
( in original)

Friday, September 10, 2010

Ariel Laundry Detergent


part of the reorganization of the regional party structure, the new Secretary Regionale della Democrazia Cristiana siciliana, Ninni Pisano, attraverso la nota recante Prot. n° 3 del 06/09/2010, ha rinnovato la fiducia a Stefano Finocchiaro, consigliere nazionale del Partito, confermandolo nella carica di Commissario Provinciale della Democrazia Cristiana di Catania. “Preso atto del proficuo lavoro svolto in questo periodo di commissariamento ad interim – si legge nella missiva a firma del segretario regionale – ho il piacere di rinnovarti la fiducia dell’intero Comitato Regionale, autorizzandoti fin d’adesso all’apertura della sezione provinciale”. Dal canto suo, Stefano Finocchiaro, attuale Vice Sindaco di Aci S. Antonio, ha fatto sapere che continuerà “nella strada fin here taken to raise the final action of the DC policy and program in the province of Catania. I take this opportunity to thank the regional secretary for the trust rinnovatami Ninni Pisano.
"Our efforts - said the ruling Christian Democrat - will focus mainly on local realities that are affected by the renewal of elective offices next spring" .
"We are also preparing, through a series of meetings at the premises of the Provincial Section of Catania via boat to the celebration that will mark the twenty-first Provincial Congress - thus concluded Finocchiaro - in unequivocally, the final return of the DC on the provincial political scene. "


Monday, September 6, 2010

Snl Christopherlowell


Provincial Secretariat of Catania


Stefano Finocchiaro, together with the provincial and sectional leaders of the Party, expressed condolences to Clorinda Garufi, valid delegation of the feminist movement and tireless Dc dirigente del partito ai vari livelli, per la scomparsa della cara Mamma. Il sottoscritto rinnova, altresì, il proprio impegno a portare avanti progettualità che mirino alla realizzazione di un centro diurno specializzato che possa accogliere pazienti affetti dal morbo di Alzheimer.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Streaming Man In Pain

"'O Biancifiore ..."

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Is Nutro Good For Dogs With Yeast


E' quanto ha dichiarato l'On. Giuseppe Pizza, sottosegretario di Stato all'Istruzione, Università e Ricerca, intervendo in Prefettura a Palermo a margine della clamorosa protesta che vede, ormai da più di una settimana, tre precari della scuola, cui si è aggiunta ieri una quarta, impegnati in un estenuante e debilitante sciopero della fame per contestare i tagli della Riforma Gelmini. Sinceratosi delle condizioni di salute dei manifestanti, il sottosegretario ha a più riprese, anche a nome personale oltre che in veste di rappresentante di Governo, chiesto ai tre precari di sospendere l'estrema protesta, che potrebbe portare a gravi conseguenze sul piano clinico che si aggiungerebbero ai problemi occupazionali di cui già , loro malgrado, sono vittime involontarie i precari. Accompagnato dall'Assessore Regionale all'Istruzione, Mario Centorrino, dal capo di gabinetto Marco Romano, as well as the regional secretary of the Christian Democrats Sicilian Ninni Pisano, Pizza attended a summit in the prefecture and met with a delegation of protesters and several union representatives, before moving to attend the "institutional lunch" with the prefect of the capital Giuseppe Caruso . The vice minister of the Department of Viale Trastevere has made it clear that "the precariousness of the school with a strong understanding will allow the region of Sicily 'at least in part to overcome this problem." "We intend to leverage - then stated a number of Piazza del Gesu - on turnover and the gradual absorption of these pockets of temporary hit in Sicily more 'than in other regions by the economic downturn." Assurances also came from the minister Gelmini, "which - again emphasizes the Hon. Pizza - follows closely the problem of insecurity, especially in the South. The case of Sicily and 'a borderline case, I have come to Palermo to have a confrontation with trade unions and to report to the minister. The question is - continues the State Government - if you can find the resources to absorb more 'precarious possible. " The two-day then saw the Sicilian Pizza Secretary engaged in another meeting in the Prefecture, this time in Catania, during which he pitted in the presence of the Prefect Vincenzo Santoro Etna and several trade union representatives from the world of school, the salient points of the plan designed raissorbimento by the Government. Stripped of the institutional role of "deputy minister", the national secretary to Pino Pizza attended a dinner with the leaders of the Christian Democrats in that of Catania Nicolosi, at the foot of Mount Etna, which was attended by several provincial leaders of the party scudocrociato , also the regional secretary Ninni Pisano, the national director Marco Romano and the Provincial Commissioner Etna Stefano Finocchiaro.


Saturday, July 31, 2010

Veho Scanner Drivers Will Not Install


The Regional Congress of the Christian Democrats, meeting in Palermo on 30 and 31 July 2010 at the Astoria Palace Hotel, unanimously elected Ninni Pisano regional secretary of the party (pictured below right), an official at the City of Palermo and former executive in the '80s, the Christian Democratic Youth Movement, also appoints the sixty members of the Regional Committee. He chaired the national conference on political secretary and undersecretary of State for Education, University and Research, Mr Giuseppe Pizza. Imposing the participation of members and delegates (1729 to 2193 members). The performance of the work is done in the presence of a notary, until the proclamation of the elected, preceded by a structured debate. The assembly was closed by the National Secretary, Joseph Pizza, che ha ricordato gli obiettivi del partito, a livello nazionale e regionale. “Abbiamo un compito importante – ha sottolineato – che è quello di attuare concretamente la visione sociale della Chiesa, che mette al centro la dignità della Persona umana”. E ha ribadito che la specificità del partito è quella di elemento cattolico-democratico all’interno di una coalizione di centro-destra. Ha annunziato l’indizione di una conferenza programmatico-organizzativa, da effettuarsi in Sicilia, il prossimo autunno, come indispensabile momento di raccordo delle azioni volte a favorire una presenza capillare della Democrazia Cristiana sul territorio regionale. "Sono pronto alla sfida che l'impegno require - Ninni Pisano said, thanking the audience in Congress - taking into account the values \u200b\u200band history of the party. Will soon launch the interlocutors need to weave in the cetrodestra case reports, which we refer. "All the interventions that have succeeded in the classroom, have stigmatized the behavior of a small group of members, who occupied, in day of July 30, the bank presidency in spite of statutory provisions and the Regulations adopted unanimously by the National Congress, also the small minority of dissenters. "Conscious of having built the country - said the general consensus Pizza - strong claim pride to feel more and more Christian Democrats. " Great success has been the provincial secretary of the DC Etna, which, led by Provincial Commissioner Stefano Finocchiaro, has placed a total of 14 representatives in the "Parlamentino regional party. "Source of great pride - said the ruling Christian Democrat Finocchiaro - it was for us to support his friend Ninni Pisano to the regional secretariat. A milestone was also reached with the input of 14 leaders in Catania Regional Council of the party. Now is the time to roll up our sleeves and to reorganize the party in regional pending the next elections. "


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Pediatrician Toronto List

ERRARA humanum EST, PERSEVERANCE autem Diabolicum!

Detto, fatto! A dir poco strabiliante la velocità con cui i gestori del blog non autorizzato "Dc Sicilia" abbiano cambiato le carte in tavola, rimediando all'errore di "latinum macheronicum" di cui parlavamo nel precedente post. Una nostra segnalazione ha, infatti, fatto scattare il blitz, coordinato - almeno è quello che crediamo - da un affaccendato quanto distratto (e magari non ferratissimo in latino) addetto stampa del blog stesso. Eh sì! Capiscono di avere sbagliato e, come è giusto che sia, procedono velocemente con un' errata corrige . Ci inorgoglisce non poco pensare to be able to return - for once - on the right path calatini friends. One-off , mind! Certainly can not happen every day that recognize a mistake. Too bad that they do so only on rare occasions and irrelevant and meaningless things like this with all due respect to a 'alma mater , what is the Latin language. Too bad that did not do the same with the unedifying deductions - verbal means - Leo Pellegrino against the national director Marco Romano. And again, sin which has not given the chance to those who wanted a clean opinion on congress to express their feelings, has promoted a "survey scam" with answers only di tenore negativo, critico e - absit iniuria verbo - anche un tantino volgare. Questo sondaggio non solo è ingannevole, ma anche politicamente ed intellettualmente scorretto. In pratica chiunque voglia manifestare il prorio punto di vista, è obbligato obtorto collo ad esprimere un giudizio negativo e sminuente. Alla faccia della libertà, dell'alta democrazia, dei "democristiani onesti", dei "liberi e forti", dei "cuori semplici" e degli "spiriti vigili". Veramente complimenti! E pensare che sostengono di essere l'eco di tutti i democristiani siciliani.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Best Laptop For Business Women


Dopo esser stati smentiti, per l'ennessima volta, dalla incontrovertibilità dei fatti, gli iscritti di Caltagirone o coloro che si nascondono dietro il "mignolo" del blog non autorizzato "Dc Sicilia" hanno cercato, invano, di deridere anche il tema del Congresso Regionale proposto dal Commissario Regionale Lino Pizza. Una trovata non certo originale, in quanto hanno preso una grandissima cantonata nell'utilizzo di un'espressione non solo latina, ma per giunta ecclesiale. Un errore imperdonabile per chiunque dicasi democristiano. L'espressione, infatti, viene usata dal Protodiacono della Santa Sede per annunciare l'elezione di uno tra i cardinali riuniti in conclave che sia stato innalzato al Soglio Pontificio. L'espressione corretta è "Nuntio vobis gaudium magnum: habemus Papam!". Mentre quella "Calatino-Alessi is very Italianized - and not necessarily justified -" Nunta vobis! Gaudium magnum! Habemus thema. Assuming that the accused "Gaudium magnum" depends on the predicate "listing" and therefore can not be interposed between the exclamation point "Vobis" and "Gaudium," or face a sentence made no sense, we must stress the word "thema" ironically replaced the original "Papam" proves to be incomplete the "m", featuring the accusative case ending of the Latin declension (which is the direct object Italian). Everything in the middle of the "dangerous" as fanatical proclamation of George Bongiorno. The manager of Nyssa, indeed, threatened the "majority the party "of an imminent change of team, himself and his loyal, if the minority is not a patronizing call to represent the party at the regional level. Now we run a Latino, we are just ad absurdum ! In addition, the imaginative Leo Pellegrino , disproportionately flattered his " dominus" (the Hon. Alberto Alessi, ed), identifying best candidate to the regional secretariat, has not missed an opportunity to discredit the national leader Marco Romano (pictured at the top left), which we renew our faith and manifest unchanged total close to the injuries received.

Monday, July 26, 2010

How Do I Get Pen Off Baby Annabell


While Leo Pilgrim (the despicable national leader who tries in every possible way to smear and damage the party) climbs on the mirrors - they do it is the worst, but for once not screaming and yelling like he usually do - to mystify the dismissal of the art. 700 he proposed with the specific intention of invalidating the XXI National Congress and the Commissioner part, published the much sought after pictures (top left) - for the record that we just found on Facebook - the candidate to the regional secretariat Ninni Pisano, who Caltagirone said the "untraceable". In addition, the Regional Commissioner of the DC current and Sicilian National Organising Secretary, Lino Pizza, stated - Through a note published on the official website of the party - which, compared with 251 requests, 185 were validated proxies for a total of 1734 members represented. Also was the official theme of the Congress - "The Christian Democrats for a New Sicily - in spite of the arrogant indifference of the blog" Dc Sicily "- never authorized, say so - the members of Caltagirone and cousins \u200b\u200bAlessiani" .

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Would You Have The Gastric Band Again Stories


An eminent and very humble servant of the state, but first and foremost a great man. 18 years ago, eliminated Cosa Nostra the last obstacle to his ultimate rise to power. We want not only to express a rhetorical slogan and continuous, as the generic "... not to forget", but we want Paul - and with him Giovanni Falcone - continues its mission to liberate our land from "the suffocating hood", so as he liked to call it, through our feet and our voices. The silence can no longer be tolerated, it is time that ordinary people begin to get angry and to hear their cries of disappointment. Of course, the intimidation will not stop us ... so we would like to condemn and strongly condemn the cowardly act of intimidation of Cosa Nostra that has seen damaged the effigies of the two judges, played height human and installed just 24 hours before the close of the 'tree Falcone, along Liberty Avenue in Palermo, on the occasion of the celebrations for the 18th anniversary of dall'eccidio via D'Amelio. Paul and John will continue to live in the ideal of our culture, the Sicilian mafia and who want a definitive turning point, honest people and well ... We have the duty to continue on the path traced by them, aware of the difficulties and important legacy of which we have given to us. What really matters is that each of us, in our small, emulating their example - which may not be reductive to consider only symbolic - in the life of every day, walk tall, rejecting the conformism of the masses and opposing the servility, which can develop into dangerous forms of silence and acquiescence.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Bamboo Heart Earrings

"Quo usque TANDEM, Caltagirone, abut OUR PATIENT?"

Continue the action of the breakaway section of the DC calatina. The best-change - fortunately very few - that the Christian Democrats announced they have ever known, through the Deputy Secretary of plenipotente Caltagirone and longtime politician, Salvatore Patti, the deserted region of Congress. Though they have - to tell them - 1350 and 150 delegates delegating members (sic?), Deserting the Congress for seat declessamento Caltagirone, Patti defined by the same "if you want to call regional and national" and especially to express solidarietà al proprio segretario politico, il "vivace ed attivo" Carmelo Cinnirella, "ingiustamente offeso - è quanto recita ancora la missiva - da una nota pubblicata sul sito nazionale". E sì perchè il buon Cinnirella, degno burattinaio, ha stavolta mandato avanti l'indomito e docile Patti, facendogli esprimere il proprio infausto quanto "bovinico" punto di vista. Direte: "Perchè 'bovinico'?". Semplice, anzi semplicissimo. Il Cinnirella ha deciso di sbarcare anche negli studi televisivi di una delle più importanti emittenti Mediaset, "Canale 5". Pare voglia sfondare anche in Tv, comparendo sui teleschermi di ogni famiglia del "Belpaese" e mettendo, così, le basi per la corsa a Palazzo Chigi, in occasione the next election. Indeed, it seems that the "mens super omnia" calatina has fascinated the preparation of Tg satirical investigation "Striscia la Notizia", \u200b\u200bhaving invented one of the biggest hoaxes (hence the term "cattle") that has never been interested in the politics since the birth of the Republic today. Of course, anyone who has read the piece posted on the blog cinnirelliano ("abuse"), you will not be endured a long and healthy laugh. It's too funny: they have the majority of the members, but deserted the Congress. It is quite normal and legitimate that "the various Roman Ierna, Finocchiaro and Pagano laugh if" - as well as Patti writes - in the face of such an exhilarating found. A "inventio" of other times, funny and original, to say the least that would embarrass the Democrats leading historians, but not Cinnirella. On the other hand, from the height of his political experience, has made it clear that it will participate in regional all'assise involved because "the well-deserved family vacation, retreat, in fact, their applications to the secretariat, for which from the outset had expressed reservations. Likewise did Alberto Alessi, who for personal reasons and health - and here we have nothing to say - can not attend the event. What is more worrying is that the vice Cinnirella (Turi Patti fact) has threatened - like the general Roman Fabio Massimo "Cunctator" (the loiterer) - even "make bombs" in the seat Democrat calatina. Of course not found a nice, since that unhappy as inappropriate statement evokes the memory of all of us - especially the most experienced Democrats - the ghosts of the '70s, when the "red terror" beheaded our party, through the physical elimination of Christian Democrat leader Aldo Moro by definition. And again. The Patti insists that there is no provincial headquarters. Why, my dear deputy secretary of Caltagirone, Catania does not remember its fate, when he was involved - perhaps as delegated by the Board or by order calatino graduated top of her undeniable Cinnirella - Raking in campaigns at the local office of the provincial Catania, of any propaganda material (banners, gadgets, posters and more), not a little angry by our organizing secretary? Strange that now deny the existence of the party's provincial headquarters (located - as already indicated on several occasions - in the boat 29 to Catania). The truth is that there is more deaf than he who does not want to hear. But the rest of Caltagirone is the 'navel of the world "- to quote a famous song of the singer Jovanotti - and every action, even children, is justified by a general and unfounded" legitimate protagonist. " We think it is pure and egocentismo personalism, but are points of view. The serious thing is that the nomination is made official by the regional secretariat Anthony Pisano, who himself has no official anything. But not all. They are also published - we believe in open violation of the D. Decree Law 196/2003 on privacy - the professional and private information is even exhumed the distant political past of the same. There appears to have been used the same treatment for the other two candidates to the regional secretariat Cinnirella Carmelo and Alberto Alessi, now withdrawn. Certainly no one would like to see published on-line details of their salary professional. Furthermore, while respecting the choice of any of the deserted Regional Congress - understanding that the only ones to miss this high political confrontation would only absent and certainly not the present - appears unfounded to say the least pretext to allege that this decision or the fact that - to the submissions on their blog - Anthony Pisano is the favored candidate. The conference outcomes are historically determined by the numbers, so - unless there is a single point - there will be winners and consequential, of the vanquished. Ergo: such a statement is untenable. And then they had 150 delegates? Have suddenly disappeared? With these numbers would steer a decisive political developments in Congress. But it is clear that bluff. It remains the indisputable principle statutory that the delegate from delegating responsibility to represent in Congress, has a duty to participate all'assise, exercising, in addition to its own, including the right to "vote" that has been delegated by the delegator. Therefore, if the cost of doing this should be wicked choice of many members, unaware of these ads deserted, the offense would be subject to the statutory disciplinary bodies and guarantee the party and, therefore, referred to the Board of Arbitration of the first instance, for the necessary determinations and for any disciplinary action against those responsible.

Giuseppe Finocchiaro - Provincial Youth Coordinator Dc

Monday, July 12, 2010

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With regard to the allegations by the lawyer. Caramel Cinnirella in a letter to the political secretary, Mr Joseph Pizza, I run to specify the following:

  • I think, first of all, to say the least antithetical Cinnirella that fails to so instrumental the existence of the provincial headquarters of the 29th street boat, as he himself, with several members of Caltagirone, participated on numerous occasions in meetings of the Provincial Committee, called upon to attend, not least those of us Saturday, July 10, for which the same mi aveva dato personalmente, per via telefonica, la propria adesione o, in sua assenza, quella di suo delegato. Ebbene: tutti i tesserati di Caltagirone hanno disertato strumentalmente la riunione ; in precedenza e fino al mese di Aprile, inoltre, la sede provinciale era dislocata nei locali di via Nuovalucello 81, dove lo stesso Cinnirella si è insediato, insieme agli altri componenti del direttivo provinciale, quale vice commissario provinciale del partito. Forse egli stesso disconosce questi locali in quanto restìo ed irremovibile nella partecipazione economica alle spese di gestione e mantenimento della stessa.
  • voglio ricordare, inoltre, che se Cinnirella frequentasse regularly at the provincial, would avoid mileage letters to request access to the documentation of membership, as the same can be seen by the provincial leaders, after liaison with the Provincial Membership Manager, Joseph Samperi.
  • preconvention the legality of any meeting shall not be subject to certain locations and / or forum where these take place, at least this does not include our state. A gaffe is unforgivable for a jurist. Remember, too, which - as stated by the national secretary - the role of the regional secretariat of Caltagirone is purely symbolic and not political, institutional, organizational or administrative.
  • is important to note that the current provincial headquarters, as well as the previous way Nuovalucello, fodamentale is a point of support of the Regional Committee, particularly with regard to policy coordination and administrative / logistical Sicily Eastern Europe.
  • renewal also trust my staff and - as discussed in the last meeting of the Provincial Committee - one of the local party, with the sole exception of goodwill. Caramel Cinnirella as absent, the work of the entire national secretariat, headed by Hon. Pino Piz za.

From Provincial Secretariat, there 12/07/2010.

Ship Via 29 - CATANIA (zone Ognina)



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This aimed at stopping the megalomania of the section of the DC calatina we thought the person in the political secretary, Mr Joseph Pizza, directly from the columns of the official website of the party. The fact decorated supersegretario political deus ex machina of the section of Caltagirone, Mr. Caramel Cinnirella, as well as having officially announced, the columns of his blog "abusive" and never authorized by regional bodies and national party, its application to the regional secretariat, after, in a completely self-referential, the regional secretariat of the party located in Caltagirone, complete with a formal request to the party of financial support for the management of the (a Catania there would be no charges), has also questioned the meeting of the Provincial Committee (for which he assured his presence or that of his deputy), took us Saturday, July 10 at the premises of the provincial secretariat , located on a boat 29 to Catania, saying that any meeting pre-congressional party that had been held on the premises of the regional office in Caltagirone, would be considered statutory violation. Course of his proclamations are we to make a spoiler, since the Cinnirella "national" was disavowed by the yellow card with a nice essay contest director Mr Pizza Pino. It's not all. The parties to take more and Caltagirone most share a candidacy to succeed Cinnirella Giorgio Napolitano at the Quirinale, or alternatively, the "factotum" thinking Democrat would fill the empty space of the Department of Economic Development, left orphaned by resigning Scajola. There is, indeed, those who speak of an agreement between the Premier and Cinnirella to transfer the seat of government in a way Sturzo Caltagirone. But they are only voces. While it would seem the long-standing ambition of Cinnirella, once elected national secretary at the next Congress, to translate the traditional seat of the Palazzo Cenci-Bolognetti, located in Piazza del Gesu in Rome, on the premises of the headquarters of the DC calatina. Clearly, ironically, even if others would use very different tones. Not only that. The Secretary "in pectore" seems to have made his lieutenants believe that it is possible a postponement of the date of the Regional Congress. Nothing could be further from the truth. The "leader" calatino argues, in fact, that a member of the Province of Agrigento (Leo Pellegrino?), Unnamed, has submitted an application under art. 700 to invalidate the convening of the Congress. Nothing could be biased. The same national secretariat has denied receiving any notification to date. Cinnirella also lamented the lack of knowledge of the identity of many licensed. ... For its neglect - we would add - as the complete lists are kept e disponibili a chi ne voglia prendere visione presso i Comitati Provinciali (quello di Catania, in via Battello 29) e la Segreteria Organizzativa Nazionale. D’altronde il nostro ambizioso "Marcello" dimentica che egli stesso, insieme ai suoi “fedelissimi” di Caltagirone e non solo, sia stato eletto consigliere nazionale, in occasione del XXI Congresso dell’Ergife, dagli stessi tesserati e iscritti che ora dice di sconoscere. Probabilmente soffre di amnesia. O magari ha fatto male i conti, dato che quelle stesse tessere sono state autenticate da un Notaio già in occasione del Congresso Nazionale. Una gaffe imperdonabile per il nostro dirigente che stavolta, invece che “una piastrella della storica sede della Dc calatina calcata in 1919 by Don Luigi Sturzo, found itself in the foot a nice banana peel on which he slipped very well. On the other hand we must admire those who - like Cinnirella - have such great imagination and can live simultaneously in different space-time dimensions. Virtually witnessing on a daily basis continues to evolve and histrionic of "Cinnirella in Wonderland." We can only do that to him and friends of Caltagirone, our good luck ... Besides, he hopes to add another decoration to the value ("carton") to those who collected to date on his chest, over his long and brave career marked by viraconde opulent and political campaigns, which stressed the res gestae Pettoruto infinite pride. Things stand, we thank the Secretary for action Pizza enlightening and we hope, for our part, the Regional Congress is characterized by a real political debate and democratic, permeated by the advanced even more congressional resolutions.

Giuseppe Finocchiaro - Provincial Youth Coordinator Dc

full the letter of the Secretary Giuseppe Pizza on political

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Can I Pull A Trailer With A C50

Provincial Committee of the Christian Democrats

Si è riunito sabato 10 Luglio il Comitato Provinciale della Democrazia Cristiana, convocato dal commissario provinciale Stefano Finocchiaro in vista dell'imminente Congresso Regionale che il partito scudocrociato celebrerà per la XXI volta in Sicilia, presso l'Hotel Astoria Palace di Palermo nei giorni 30 e 31 Luglio 2010. Presenti all'incontro, nella sede provinciale di Via Battello 29, oltre ai dirigenti provinciali e ai rappresentanti locali del partito, anche il membro dell'Ufficio Politico Nazionale, Dr. Marco Romano, e il commissario provinciale di Messina, Francesco Caponetto. Ad introdurre work was Marco Romano, explaining that the secretarial Etna online conference held on 30 and 31 July. Were also affected several points concerning the political situation and national and regional political parties. Afterwards, he spoke to the provincial commissioner Etna Stefano Finocchiaro, which, by a historical and political precedents Congress, wisely made a political synthesis that Catania will have on the future role of the Party regional chessboard. Great enthusiasm was expressed for the union who will in Rome on July 15 the Christian Democrats, the Christian Democrats for a self-Round, the folk-Liberal Giovanardi and the ADC of Piona, act to form a political agreement between the future movements of inspiration within the center-right Christian Democrats. Confidence for the conference was also expressed by the National Council Catania Enzo Pagano, Angela Sambataro and Carmelo Maccarone.

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Regional Assembly - XXI Congress

The Assembly of members of the Christian Democrats in Sicily and
'call, on July 30, 2010 at 7 in the first
call and second call at 9 am at
the Astoria Palace Hotel, Via Monte Pellegrino No 62, Palermo.


1. Election of officers;
2. Election of the Credentials Committee;
3. Election Committee election;
4. Election Committee evaluation motions;
5. Report: Regional Commissioner;
6. Debate;
7. Election regional secretary;
8. Election of Regional Council;
9. Proclamation of the elect.

Proceedings will be completed on the day of 31 July 2010.

Regional Commissioner Dr. Raffaele Pizza

Thursday, June 24, 2010

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The DC finally reorganized the entire province. To confirm it was the Provincial Commissioner of Scudocrociato, Stefano Finocchiaro, who said he was "ready and excited to refreshment through the provincial political structure rooted in local authorities. The contribution of our Party - said a number of Democrats in the province Catania - given at the last elections to the center-right coalition has been significant and represents a strength on which to build the political future of the Christian Democrats Etna. The focal point of the relaunch will be the Regional Congress of the party, whose date will be set tomorrow in the National Leadership, convened by the Secretary Nazionale On. Pino Pizza. Anche su questo punto si è soffermato il dirigente democristiano: "Spero che dal prossimo Congresso Regionale esca un partito unito e pronto ad affrontare le prossime tornate elettorali con la massima fiducia e serenità. Nei prossimi giorni - ha concluso Finocchiaro - convocherò la Direzione Provinciale per fare un punto sull'attuale situazione politica e per discutere dell'imminente appuntamento congressuale".