"'O Biancifiore ..."
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Is Nutro Good For Dogs With Yeast
E' quanto ha dichiarato l'On. Giuseppe Pizza, sottosegretario di Stato all'Istruzione, Università e Ricerca, intervendo in Prefettura a Palermo a margine della clamorosa protesta che vede, ormai da più di una settimana, tre precari della scuola, cui si è aggiunta ieri una quarta, impegnati in un estenuante e debilitante sciopero della fame per contestare i tagli della Riforma Gelmini. Sinceratosi delle condizioni di salute dei manifestanti, il sottosegretario ha a più riprese, anche a nome personale oltre che in veste di rappresentante di Governo, chiesto ai tre precari di sospendere l'estrema protesta, che potrebbe portare a gravi conseguenze sul piano clinico che si aggiungerebbero ai problemi occupazionali di cui già , loro malgrado, sono vittime involontarie i precari. Accompagnato dall'Assessore Regionale all'Istruzione, Mario Centorrino, dal capo di gabinetto Marco Romano, as well as the regional secretary of the Christian Democrats Sicilian Ninni Pisano, Pizza attended a summit in the prefecture and met with a delegation of protesters and several union representatives, before moving to attend the "institutional lunch" with the prefect of the capital Giuseppe Caruso . The vice minister of the Department of Viale Trastevere has made it clear that "the precariousness of the school with a strong understanding will allow the region of Sicily 'at least in part to overcome this problem." "We intend to leverage - then stated a number of Piazza del Gesu - on turnover and the gradual absorption of these pockets of temporary hit in Sicily more 'than in other regions by the economic downturn." Assurances also came from the minister Gelmini, "which - again emphasizes the Hon. Pizza - follows closely the problem of insecurity, especially in the South. The case of Sicily and 'a borderline case, I have come to Palermo to have a confrontation with trade unions and to report to the minister. The question is - continues the State Government - if you can find the resources to absorb more 'precarious possible. " The two-day then saw the Sicilian Pizza Secretary engaged in another meeting in the Prefecture, this time in Catania, during which he pitted in the presence of the Prefect Vincenzo Santoro Etna and several trade union representatives from the world of school, the salient points of the plan designed raissorbimento by the Government. Stripped of the institutional role of "deputy minister", the national secretary to Pino Pizza attended a dinner with the leaders of the Christian Democrats in that of Catania Nicolosi, at the foot of Mount Etna, which was attended by several provincial leaders of the party scudocrociato , also the regional secretary Ninni Pisano, the national director Marco Romano and the Provincial Commissioner Etna Stefano Finocchiaro.
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