Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Old Dutch Stock Symbol


The Provincial Commissioner of the Christian Democrats Etna, dr. Stefano Finocchiaro, expresses solidarity with the new City Commissioner of Caltagirone, Francesco Ampolo , for defamatory statements of which he was repeatedly the victim in these days of "recognition" policy. Renewing itself, also the confidence of the whole Regional Committee, Finocchiaro added: "I want to personally thank Frank for his friend had been in the forefront of the resolution dell'incresciosa issue, which arose created as a result of "bad management" by zeroing calatina leadership. I express my deepest sympathy for the deplorable insults, insults and physical threats and verbal, of which I myself was a victim, received and announced that such "morally unworthy" will be conducted soon reported to the guarantee of the Party for appropriate action. "


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Oasis Water Fountain Manual


With regard to what is stated on a number of unofficial and never authorized by Sigg. Alberto Alessi and Salvatore Patti , the Office of the Press Christian Democrats, on the orders of the provincial commissioner, dott. Stefano Finocchiaro, intende precisare quanto segue:
Si diffida il Sig. Patti Salvatore ,
-a parlare in nome e per conto della Democrazia Cristiana di Caltagirone, millantando incarichi partitici, nello specifico quello di "Vice Segretario Politico della sezione Luigi Sturzo", da cui è stato sollevato giusta determinazione, avente Prot. n° 1 del 07/10/10 ed in oggetto "Nomina Commissario Cittadino di Caltagirone", a firma del commissario provinciale. Pena: il deferimento agli organi disciplinari del Partito per gli opportuni provvedimenti;
-to reiterate statements defamatory and damaging to the professional respect and the good reputation of the Provincial Commissioner, Dr. Stefano Finocchiaro, irreparably damaged the image of the Party, by the way, provided it is not a qualification to the nobility of a person, Dr. Finocchiaro is in possession of a regular university degree in "journalism and radio broadcasting", achieved with marks 110/110 cum laude. Penalty: the referral to the disciplinary bodies of the Party for appropriate action and the quote at the premises of the judicial authorities.
It should be noted also that:
-appointment of Dr. Stefano Finocchiaro, in the functions of the provincial commissioner of Catania, is not the result of a self-as you would have us understand. Personally, the National Secretary Giuseppe Pizza has signed on 25 June 2009, the nomination, with which, among other things, the political secretary of Caltagirone Commissioner was appointed deputy commissioner of the provincial Party, was then raised for regional secretary, Dr. Ninni Pisano, once elected, formally confirmed the appointment of Dr. Finocchiaro, on September 6, 2010;
-the site of Caltagirone can no longer rise to regional point of reference, or operational, logistic - In accordance with the stated national secretary Pizza in a statement posted on the official website of the party - or symbols - such as had been agreed by national authorities - as the problems related to location of the historic section Sturzo ", which, among the other, were put forward as the main reasons for the same commissioner, are, to date, an insurmountable obstacle;
the non-adherence to the conferences organized by the DC of Caltagirone, by the leadership of the provincial Party, is justified the detached attitude of the police in organizing the political secretary calatino aforementioned conference, but apparently focused on issues of a certain political and programmatic relevance, along with other political commitments and Parthian most task - in order to polarize the membership instrumentally - and seek "political ambush" of stated Frondeurs nature, can not be shared nor acceptable
-il Sectional Council has no jurisdiction on any licensed suspected of "honest cause" (otherwise known as "moral indignity"). Responsibility for examining the remains of the body immediately above, or the Provincial Committee, which had to be applied to the case by the police calatino political secretary. Ergo, the resolution adopted by the Governing Council calatino is, in fact, totally arbitraria e del tutto autoreferenziale. Peraltro, il Comitato Provinciale, attenzionato scrupolosamente il caso del Sig. Francesco Ampolo, non ha ravvisato elementi che confermassero il sospetto dell'organo calatino, ritenendo, al contrario, l'Ampolo la persona - politicamente, professionalmente e socialmente - più adatta alla gestione commissariale ad interim. Pertanto, il Sig. Francesco Ampolo è e rimane il commissario cittadino della Dc di Caltagirone ed avrà anche la responsabilità amministrativo-organizzativa del Partito;
-le adesioni alla Dc, quella vera, non potranno mai prescindere dal titolo di studio, dal Curriculum Vitae e dall'estratto conto, metodi di valutazione "massonica" che deploriamo quite frankly, because contrary to the egalitarian principle advocated by the Social Doctrine of the Church before, the popularism Sturza then, nor will be taken into account, such methods of coercion and prefiltering elite, the political past and militancy in DC prior or subsequent to a certain date. The DC is and remains open to membership by anyone, from the historical experience of the Christian Democrats, wants to be the star of a new "season of good policy"
-assessments, although little authoritative about the political capacity of the Commissioner Provincial adhesions are not in reality. The DC is, in fact, been present in almost all municipalities of the Province Catania, affected by the replacement of elected bodies, with their own independent list or, alternatively, with its candidates running in the list of "Mayors" of the center-right coalition.

Al Mr. Alberto Alessi it should be noted, however, that:
- is not honorable (though it is signed, however, this title) since a very long, since he or left the bench in the House of Representatives, won in the wake of the surname of the late and influential (He is, in fact Mrs) Joseph Alessi, on the other hand seems to be a well-established habit, since it can boast of a daily office regionale di cui non è legittimo titolare;
-non risulta da atti, comunicati o note ufficiali, nè nella sezione "Organigramma" del sito ufficiale del Partito, che sia mai stato nominato Vicario - attualmente è semplicemente uno dei quattro vice segretari nazionali -. Al momento, abbiamo notizia dei Suoi "accorati appelli", pubblicati sul sito ufficiale, per ottenere quell'ambita carica, che, ripetiamo, non Le è mai stata ufficialmente affidata; quand'anche fosse, essendo la nomina statutariamente caratterizzata dalla coaptazione da parte del segretario nazionale e non elettiva, ci vedremmo costretti nuovamente a prender carta e calamaio per chiedere la Sua epurazione - questa volta si - per "probi Case ", in line with what we did when the twenty-first Regional Congress. There is, also, that you never have been appointed coordinator for political activities" from Rome on down "(among other things would also laugh), or" For the islands, as, instead, proudly claims, not only, you do not hold any office NEAC at the regional level, which had become infamous because the star of a regional congress Frondeurs and unlawful. As far argued, does not recognize any power ' deliberate interference with the Provincial Committee of Catania. We recognize, however, as points of reference, the regional secretary, Dr. Ninni Pisano, democraticamewnte elected by over 80% Members of the Sicilian, and the national secretary Giuseppe Pizza;
-respect of the receivership of the "L. Sturzo, we invite you to read carefully the measure signed by the Provincial Commissioner, in order to dispel any doubts about your the reasons given, clearly indicated in the abovementioned letter;
-The door to knowledge, however, that the leadership calatina is anything but historical. Suffice it to say that the Commissioner is the political secretary of the Party only in 2007;
-The first invitation, also, not to give carte blanche to his boundless imagination, inventing stories that relate to appropriate pressure a sollecitare il commissariamento da parte di alcuni dirigenti nazionali, che sono estranei alla conduzione politica e costantemente impegnati nelle attività istituzionali, e a non minacciare l'unitarietà interna del Partito, furbesca strategia con cui in passato ha prima elemosinato e poi ottenuto più "poltrone" per Lei e per i Suoi luogotenenti, pur non avendo politicamente i "numeri";
-La diffidiamo dal sostenere che il blog ufficiale della Segreteria Provinciale di Catania non sia autorizzato. Per Sua informazione, l'ufficialità del blog e la contestuale autorizzazione sono state sancite, con voto unanime, dal Comitato Provinciale, giustappunto interpellato;
-La invitiamo, Furthermore, to clarify, given the "significant political influence" and saw your continuous call to a certain transparency, its positions, as it seems on the verge of taking new initiatives with false intent federal party, separate and apart from the Christian Democrats, nevertheless with the clear intention to use, once again, illegally the name and symbol of the Party;
-serious and strident, a professed Catholic, its maximum in the queue. For it is clear to all true Christians as God's mercy knows no boundaries and accept, in accordance with the parable of the Prodigal Son, everyone, without distinction of their background, qualifications, CV and statement of income, without "going miss anyone. "He also broke the First Commandment that order, with no possibility of interpretation," not to mention God's name in vain. "Thank you" to Him who moves everything, "each of us has its own intellectual power and will allow us, we are all far dall'insania who wanted to overshadow arrogantly. The title of this post which seem to be The Illuminating.


Press Democracy Christian Catania

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Watch South Park Subtitled Streaming

Calatino DC, FRANK Ampolo

Provincial Committee of Catania

Prot # 1 07/10/2010

Egr. Francesco Ampolo ,
C.da Romana, 28 95041
- Caltagirone (CT) and PC

the Regional Secretary, Dr.
Ninni Pisano

the National Secretary, On
Giuseppe Pizza

Subject: Appointment Commissario Cittadino di Caltagirone

Carissimo Francesco,

pregiami comunicarTi che, sentito il Comitato Provinciale, ho deciso di nominarTi, in ossequio all’art. 30 dello Statuto del Partito, commissario cittadino della Democrazia Cristiana a Caltagirone.
La nomina, che avrà immediata esecutività, è resasi necessaria per una serie di violazioni statutarie, ad opera del segretario politico della sezione “Luigi Sturzo” in carica, che hanno creato non pochi malumori tra gli iscritti calatini e irrimediabile nocumento all’immagine della Democrazia Cristiana.
Una inappropriata and "cheerful" run from the administrative point of view has, in fact, had a negative impact on the management and maintenance of local sectional, with the costs of hiring, regularly circumvented, have been incorrectly attributed to some members, who, to their legitimate complaints were arbitrarily relegated to the margins of the political party on earth calatina. For Your
recognized militant activism in the ranks of the Christian Democratic Party, urge you also to give back credibility and incisive political action and program of the DC in Caltagirone, immediately throwing the groundwork for a renewed political commitment at the next preparatory commitments electoral and skillfully interweaving network a "consensus" around the DC, encouraging new membership and open to the authoritative bodies from the "fabric" socio-economic Caltagirone.
authorizes you, however, to review the decisions of the organs of the DC calatina taken until now for a timely and accurate completion of your new function. Even
, to confer powers for the fulfillment of all statutory acts provided.
Every act to measure, according to the guidelines and statutory willing, will be taken care of submitting your will to share and after approval, the Provincial Commissioner.
Wishing you good job, I urge you to remedy the problem related to the historical section "Luigi Sturzo" so as to restore dignity to the glory of the Christian Democratic Party, who was brutally humiliated in the eyes of civil society calatina.


Stefano Finocchiaro
(signed original)