Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Calgary Office Equipment Auctions
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Ideas For Canada Acrostic Poem
Possibilie che non si capisca che la bontà o less of the luxury tax does not matter a damn? Just as the flag should be left in the drawer for or against the ultras Soru? Here, you're right Peter Ciarlo, there is at stake is something much more important and one of the central tenets of our Constitution: the principle of equality. And this is no laughing, no superficiality or approaches that are allowed to prevail on the formal and substantive merit.
Years ago the President of the Province of Milan, a former singer moved to the right, aroused the indignation of many, reducing some subsidies to school students residing. A measure tinged with a hateful racist spirit to children of non-EU students. Tomorrow Regione Lombardia potrebbe imporre un tributo a tutti gli italiani residenti da Roma in giù che si rechino in quella operosa città. In una versione classista, il balzello potrebbe imporsi solo a coloro che hanno un alto reddito e il ricavato potrebbe essere destinato ai lavoratori ultracinquantenni privati del loro posto di lavoro.
Come si vede, una volta infranto il principio di eguaglianza, ognuno può sbizzarrirsi a pensare misure di destra o di sinistra che introducono dei distinguo fra cittadini.
Confesso: personalmente ai ricchi (alla Briatore) imporrei non solo la tassa sul lusso, ma anche una delle vecchie corvées (una prestazione personale), ancora esistenti in Italia negli anni '50, e cioè gli chiederei, se vuol trascorrere l'estate da noi, di dissodare, con pala e piccone, uno dei tanti assolati e incolti campi di Gallura. Forse la prestazione contribuirebbe a migliorarne non solo la linea, ma anche l'umanità e la condotta.
Ma che c'entra? Il problema è se questa misura, vigente l'articolo 3 della Costituzione, sia ammissibile. Personalmente, sopratutto sotto questi chiari di luna, in cui la Costituzione è sotto attacco sul fronte sostanziale (e presto lo sarà di nuovo su quello formale), io non baratterei il principio di eguaglianza con nessuna misura, lo proteggerei come il bene più prezioso, come la pupilla degli occhi.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Temp Nyc License Template
I respect the work of others. But I would say something about this document, too. I do not agree with. I do not share the strong top-down approach that has been given to the organization. This statute has nothing to do with the idea of \u200b\u200bmovement that starts from below, involving people from civil society. That is what has been abundantly repeated until now. Because words have so far been wonderful. But the facts, documents, scripts, which manent and dictate the rules are awful. And betray the assumptions and expectations. No mercy.
read the statute, the strong confidence that I had put my SD in the draft has been lacking. Begins to meander in my mind the horrible suspicion that the whole operation SD, like that for the PD, is a process of cryopreservation for the benefit of some of the truth politics, especially at the most committed to defending and strengthening the positions of some of his lieutenants. It must be said that in Sardinia, From this point of view, we did not miss anything.
But I want to be optimistic and think that there is still time to correct the shot. I remember perfectly the day on May 5 in Rome and the beautiful weather that we all breathed, expanding the lungs for oxygen with well-founded hope that a different policy, a policy could be better. All those fine words about the Cultural Revolution and the political participation thrown to the wind!
And yes that Salvi had announced: "I do not disappoint you." How much did that phrase out of tune with the rest! As if we were in their hands, like people thinking just waiting for the Word. This is the end that made the concept of the democratic movement … All'apparir del vero tu, misera, cadesti …
Per entrare nel merito della questione, comincio ad analizzare il ruolo degli iscritti, ovvero di tutte quelle persone che, aderendo al movimento, devono farsi, a mio modo di pensare, democraticamente protagoniste del movimento stesso. Ebbene, il ruolo concepito nello statuto per gli iscritti è a dir poco fondamentale: essi hanno il diritto di partecipare all'attività dell'Associazione (… ma non era un movimento?) e, mano al portafogli, annualmente, l'obbligo di versare la quota di iscrizione.
Dette così, senza specificare altro, le parole “attività dell'Associazione”, chissà perché, mi evocano l'immagine del people sweating committed to roast sausages at parties, or with bubbles feet after a good day of leafleting, or even part of the picture a bit 'more intellectual of the people, engaged in endless discussions, little end in themselves; themes, however, quite important. This image takes concrete thanks to the clarification of a later article, which states that geographically you can even organize study groups or study groups.
After all, what should I expect from people who grew up politically in the DS? The mindset is. You just can not conceive, if not in words, the real change of things. Then there's this
bell'organismo called "Organizing Committee" which is plastered in pictures of the delegates as well as de-le-ga-te congress DS. And it is here that in fact the authors of the statute giving background to the concept of "extended to civil society movement" (more, obviously, could not conceive of former DS): indeed, one third of the organizing committee can be formed by various personalities , provided that their entry is approved by the organizing committee itself, which, at least during the start-up, consists of the usual suspects delegates at the congress of the DS.
I do not have it against the delegates. All people of great depth. Except that I have difficulty understanding, and it is my limit, as they did to approve this constitution. And the thought that these same people have the delicate task of deciding whether a person is or is not up to become a member of the organizing committee, leaves me puzzled.
Then, in front of all these security measures as they move along the document, I'm thinking that at least the organizing committee, so rigidly structured and designed, with all this intellectual potential of guest speakers and, I might add, of delegates to Congress of the DS, has some political significance within the movement. But, as you could tell from the name, the task of organizing committee is to launch the process of joining the movement.
And I think at this point finally be able to grasp the idea of \u200b\u200btruly innovative this beautiful state (in theory designed to regulate a broader political movement and wide-ranging), which is to disturb the personalities of the civilized world not to selfishly take advantage of the contribution they could make in terms content and ideas: no! To put more generously, without taking advantage too, in the window. The sole purpose of recovering accessions. An old trick of the party, to go ahead faces expendable, to broaden the consensus, while the strings are held by others.
After such an organization, which allows no doubt to create a movement that starts from the bottom, because, let's not forget, gives members the right to participate in unspecified "activities of the Association", unfortunately the only founding members left the power to take decisions on statutory and policy.
And we do not disappoint. Do not worry!
Fortunately, there is also a Board. The committee is made up, as well as parliamentarians and various institutional structures of SD, even by the coordinators of regions and metropolitan cities.
Now, after the havoc done to the detriment of democracy in previous articles, you do not spend a single word about how to become a regional coordinator and metropolitan cities (ie if democratic election or investiture), is purely coincidental. It is an oversight. Obviously. Besides, this is a temporary condition. Do not quibble. Who is the regional coordinator? The founders and their ideas in the eyes of members or members and their ideas in the eyes of its founders? Mah!
At this point I will say one thing loud, Salvi and all the founding members sit down to avoid fainting fits: power to the people. Will not disappoint you!
ideas on policy must come from below, as well as by persons of ordinary people. All must be consulted. The challenge is this. Encourage civil society to be convinced that his contribution and participation are required if you want to revive the fortunes of the country. The decisions on statutory political and must be taken by the meetings of members. The debates on various issues not only between members should keep in closed circles, continuous effort must be to involve new people every time. Even just find a way to do this solves the participatory aspect of the movement.
not easy, but we have groped with all our strength. Above all, the prelude and debates should be completed by the taking of decisions to weigh the scales on the honest and democratic both locally and nationally. The heart of the movement can not be delegates to the congress of the DS. Be patient! With all due respect. But in the statute, everything revolves around them. Around the founders.
The heart, from which the movement can draw strength, may be just the civil society. Even for a flake once and for all the voter-political dichotomy. The voter must be a political person, a person involved in politics. The participation of all involves the initiation of a subsequent vital process of accountability for all. Even the act of voting takes a different meaning, more complete. While the company needs a real re-education, rehabilitation, the use of its power house, this statute relegated once again to the eternal Electric passive role, at best stimulated by the lure of the name of the person on duty. Why are we fallen so
low? We were going well! In short, this is not the status of a movement. This is the status of small parties. Small parties flying quite low also, I think.
Force Gentlemen, start again. From the words that we said May 5.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Verruca Plana Treatment
It's time to renew the left (starting with that of Sardinia)
I read these days the fine biography that Mark Gervasoni wrote about François Mitterrand, the man who managed to bring all the French left to the government but only after you have units: an ambitious project and almost impossible in Italy and Sardinia. The view is not exciting, though I think the creation of a group like that of the Left in the Regional Autonomy, which seems only interested in asking a commissioner to the President Soru, I wonder, and so you want to talk to citizens and "left widespread "? It builds in this way an alternative to the Democratic Party Sardo? Coming out in the papers just to take government posts? As far as we are to continue in Sardinia, however, a sinister government, socialist, democratic, constitutional, full of critical thought and able to really read the company without proper or common places! How can we not see huge potential in this company Sardinia, for example the strong demand for equality which is the real and deeper reason that makes alternative left from right, as Norberto Bobbio taught us?
yet strong enough to give a steer to the way of doing politics, restoring an ethical dimension and reducing the privileges of the ruling class and the opposition that cause suffering and outrage in a time when insecurity is tearing the quality of life of citizens. Putting aside the political radicalism without, as we have taught the great men of the European left as Enrico Berlinguer and Olof Palme, and placing the problem of how to deal seriously and govern the great problems of contemporary society, reflecting on the should be the profile of citizenship, and our being Sardinians, in a globalized society and how to widen the basis of all these objectives and practices of the left.
only way to work on the construction of a major progressive force, firmly anchored in the experience of European Socialists. We must do this because ours is a reality which is dangerously arrested social mobility, just as they did before the economic miracle of the sixties: those born into a wealthy family that remains for life, while those coming from a family of medium or low conditions, although graduate, could not come to improve their conditions than their parents. A left truly able to renew the cultural, systematic and moral will also face the challenge of a different development and quality, from the ecological and environmental issue, that for full equality between men and women in the workplace, in politics and family for the freedom of everyone to be able to build their future emotional and family according to their own inclinations and expectations, respecting a secular and non secular choices of all. Without a large mixing
the cultural left, also in Sardinia, is likely to have only a mere function of witness and be crushed by the ambitions of special interests cultivated by many of its present, and now decisamente vecchi visto che sono gli stessi da oltre venticinque anni, “leader”; è questo il momento di uscire allo scoperto per provare a ridare dignità al socialismo e alla sinistra sarda.