Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Vera Pokemon Doujinshi


Autonomia  territoriale, politica, culturale sarà la parola d’ordine che accompagnerà l’alleanza stipulata per le prossime elezioni europee dal  Partito Pensionati, La Destra, Alleanza di Centro e dal Mpa .
L’intesa è stata raggiunta su un  progetto politico  siglato dai movimenti per dare “valore politico ad una battaglia elettorale che non intendiamo ridurre a questione tecnica, ma che vogliamo far entrare nell’agenda politica contro ogni self-perpetuating logic of caste. "

In a policy characterized by increasingly oligarchic methods, and parliamentarians appointed in the name of bipartisanship and forced violates every principle of democracy, the autonomy value itself becomes the strongest feature in which the consciences of men and movements that do not intend to give up their identity traits and their local roots .
alliance will be characterized by the desire to rebalance the relationship between North and South of the country , and between advanced economies and weak areas of Europe and Italy, in the name of cohesion and true unity of the country.

With the electoral law passed on the eve of the elections, he attempted to give a mortal blow to the aspirations of the territories that seek and find flags for ransom.
" Our movements are combined to give voice to those millions of people betrayed by their representation in the increasingly centralist policy and are aiming for a Europe where citizens last count more than the Brussels technocracy through the exercise democratic legitimacy, a Europe that is able to review the mechanisms discussed under the Treaty of Lisbon to strengthen the 'Europe of the peoples and the process autenticamente democratico di decisione. Ad un’Europa capace di esaltare la proprie  radici cristiane ; ad un’Europa finalmente capace di tutelare l’impresa nazionale e continentale dall’aggressione senza regole delle nuove economie;  ad un’Europa che esalti le identità delle Regioni ”.

Parimenti, ci  impegniamo  nella costruzione di un’Europa autenticamente capace di solidarietà e non egoista, aperta a combattere la disperazione del Terzo Mondo attraverso l’apertura di una politica finalmente proiettata ad un massiccio piano di investimenti nell’area del Mediterraneo. “Aiutarli in casa loro”, deve essere the commitment of the new Europe that the dramatic issue of immigration can finally exit from the agenda of global security. Support to the economies of the South, claim the respect of duties in our house for those who asked for and obtained acceptance in Italy and Europe.

The European Parliament, Retired, The Right, Center Alliance, Mpa step to building a relationship of connection with the political forces that make reference to their cultural autonomy and political, against any condition of a financial nature that too time houses in Brussels and lacking any social breath.
The election results of last year, we already allow to expected to easily overcome any barrier , but our ambition is even higher and that is to build the pole autonomy does not intend to stop at a single consultation of the electorate. Italians will be up to consider how to reward our effort to meet. The list is

appeal to all groups, movements, lists, and local associations and independent risk of being erased from the political scene so that they can get together and fight for freedom and the 'autonomy .

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Withdrawal Symptoms Of Effexor


Marco Verri Loberti and David at the dinner election recently held in St. Bartolomeo in Bosco

Marco Loberti estimated Bondeno entrepreneur, will be the mayoral candidate of the right hand in the forthcoming elections to be held in the capital of Matilda. The commitment of the Interior and Loberti Party will be to represent it with conviction, consistency and fairness the only credible element of continuity with the brilliant administrative experience of the outgoing Mayor David Verri, Ferrara that the right support with conviction and enthusiasm in his race to win the Presidency of the Province.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Does Venison Have More Cholesterol


It 's a pain Easter and we all have hearts full of sorrow for what happened in Abruzzo. But we have also seen that the extraordinary passion and is able to mobilize the Italian people. These are the moments in which we are proud to belong to this national community.

Easter of hope, then, first of all for those who have lost loved ones, their property and must be able to resume the journey of life. We will be at their side when the lights are off: we intend to go early in the region, whether to promises - however we appreciate that - follow the facts - that we fear ....

To all of you, friends of the blog, I want to wish a day of calm, waiting for the battle that lies ahead for the European elections and local elections for those who will be committed in its territory.
This will be the coming week you will decide on alliances and really all the good Lord be with us to make the right choices. We are motivated only by the desire to pursue the path of the right hand with fellow travelers that will be available to talk with us.

is not the time for doubts, but that of the comparison in the country. And in a day like today, we want to be sure of being able to represent that feeling of spirituality which is typical of the Christian faith and must not lose sight its roots in secularism, which seems to have spread around the world.
We are a force of faith and for this we go forward. Why do not we need to ask for hospitality to anyone, nor beg for seats to others. We want to conquer them by force of our people.
Tuesday we start again.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Today Weather In Puerto Rico


Despite this regard it has not been recognized by the official culture, Guareschi certainly the writer who knew better than others in difficult times in which he lived and wrote, to take the soul of this strange country, Italy, transforming the ordinary men of his novels and his paradigmatic figures in stories. It took years and a lot of stubbornness on the part of enthusiastic scholars like Alexander because he could do on his dissertation and academic studies. But if the critics and the "barony" right-thinking progressive and still turn up their nose in front of his name, Guareschi, a hundred years after his birth and forty of his death, and this is more alive than ever in the hearts of millions of readers and spectators.

rediscover Guareschi means rediscovering the man and all his work, without necessarily stopping the simplicity of the film version. From the many stories of the cycle Little World (Peppone and those of Don Camillo) to the novels before the war and its aftermath, which gives us the possibility that Italy will take real, deep, of the twentieth century, which is not is in the literary products in the abstract speculations arised from urban living, from gatherings related to intellectual "circles that count", which are also show in the textbooks, but Guareschi is masterfully described in the stories.

authentic history and yet full of magic fairy tales, poetry as an expression of civil commitment, full of surreal humor never, never tinged with sarcasm bad. Stories that - as Paul writes in his book Gulisano "That Christian Guareschi" - "are expressions of that good rice that comes from compassion for this man who combines in its narrowness and its clumsiness, frantically in daily life, perhaps eventually to the sea to the other or himself. "

The injury that has weighed on Guareschi for forty years was motivated by his being an author was "deployed" and "deployed" evil in the eyes of the dominant culture. A reactionary, a follower of the trio "God, Country and Family." A concept, however, the latter, which is fine, referred to Guareschi, if only as an expression of human virtues, civil and religious, and not the other way when interpreted in its idolatrous, who found that time and that is still fertile ground in fundamentalism, nationalism, racism in the exclusive, so far from the way of thinking and living the life just John.

God, country, family. The religious dimension, civic engagement, the essential value of the domestic affections.

The religious dimension. Reading, for example, the stories of World small , one realizes that there is, beyond the stories and characters, another character, a subject of God, the merciful, master of the events and the heart, which had met Guareschi dramatic experience of suffering already in the German concentration camp where he was interned as an Italian military. That Divine Providence which continues, despite everything, to govern the individual and social history from a perspective of salvation and redemption, and that is to say Guareschi on Candido of December 7, 1947: "We do not belong to no ism. We have an idea, yes, but does not end in ism. The thing is very simple: we believe there are two ideas to the world at war: the idea of \u200b\u200bChristian anti-Christian idea. We are for the idea we are Christian and therefore with all those who pursue it, and only until the pursuing. When, in our humble opinion, someone deviates from this principle, anyone (even if our parish priest) we automatically become his opponents ... In the end, perhaps, we meet with six players in everything. " Because if a Christian is no stranger to the dominant mentality, it means being a servant of the power of the moment, one of the many tyrants who oppress the man, be it the Emperor or the State or the party or class or Race or Science or Progress or money.

The civil commitment. It was the commitment that led him, among other things, after the common battle that preceded the anti-first free elections after the war, the fight with De Gasperi, a consequence of disaffected of John to the statesman, which began shortly after the great success of the April 18, 1948. Italy the Christian Democrats was shaping was not what the writer expected. The economic recovery, necessary and indispensable, as a side effect was causing the emergence of those phenomena that have taken firm roots in the First Republic, and arrived amplified until today: business, corruption, cronyism, favoritism. Unavoidable impacts of the development process? Guareschi of these excuses do not want to know. His morality is not contemplated in its crystalline vocabulary the word "compromise": evil is evil, period. It is not lawful to steal, cheat, steal indebitamente, sfruttare. “Un uomo di difficili costumi” , disse di se stesso. E per questo pagò – come immagino ci spiegherà meglio Alessandro fra un attimo – con il carcere, nel quale scontò, primo giornalista nella storia repubblicana, ben 409 giorni di ingiusta detenzione.

E per finire, il valore irrinunciabile degli affetti domestici. C’è un ulteriore Guareschi, da riscoprire. E’ lo scrittore che più di ogni altro ha rivolto la propria attenzione alla famiglia. Una famiglia che, per Giovannino, è fatta di ruoli, di responsabilità, di amore, of rules that are broken, reaffirmation of date, re-written. It 'made up of quarrels, squabbles, reconciliation, long faces, tenderness, solidarity and above all loyalty. The love between parents, between them and the children, between siblings, is loud, passionate, fickle, changeable, but faithful. The meaning and value of family Guareschi had learned on the course, from their parents. A model of education that led him to clash with even clerical circles, carrying forward the image of Christianity sweetened electric guitars that spread widely in the years immediately following the Council, with those who developed the concept of multiple models Family construed as mere aggregates of people who are self-determined manner exquisitely contracts; that led him to write important pages in the case against euthanasia and eugenics which were then already appeared, and against which Guareschi wrote pages of intense topical truly staggering.

This, in brief, the Guareschi that I, like many others, I learned to love. In the last months of his life, facing the distressing spectacle offered by the Italian company at the time, he wrote, with a diagnosis of acute sa prophecy: "Every day more and more I realize how futile and useless What manly way to fight against rogue organizations. Unfortunately, these are the days of the failed ideas of others unless it is the era of demagogues, the politicians, the hypocrites who, in the name of social justice, are perpetrating the most horrendous injustice depersonalize the individual, then kill him to create " average idiot "mentality in which radio, television and the other government propaganda must be matching programs every day."

A sad though, that was never separated from the hope that accompanied him until the last day and that mi sento di poter sintetizzare con quella bella frase che compare nel finale di un film del ’63, La rabbia , che Guareschi contribuì a realizzare: “Una fiamma scalda ancora il nostro vecchio cuore di terrestri. E in noi è ancora più forte la speranza che la paura. Grazie a Dio”