Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Vera Pokemon Doujinshi


Autonomia  territoriale, politica, culturale sarà la parola d’ordine che accompagnerà l’alleanza stipulata per le prossime elezioni europee dal  Partito Pensionati, La Destra, Alleanza di Centro e dal Mpa .
L’intesa è stata raggiunta su un  progetto politico  siglato dai movimenti per dare “valore politico ad una battaglia elettorale che non intendiamo ridurre a questione tecnica, ma che vogliamo far entrare nell’agenda politica contro ogni self-perpetuating logic of caste. "

In a policy characterized by increasingly oligarchic methods, and parliamentarians appointed in the name of bipartisanship and forced violates every principle of democracy, the autonomy value itself becomes the strongest feature in which the consciences of men and movements that do not intend to give up their identity traits and their local roots .
alliance will be characterized by the desire to rebalance the relationship between North and South of the country , and between advanced economies and weak areas of Europe and Italy, in the name of cohesion and true unity of the country.

With the electoral law passed on the eve of the elections, he attempted to give a mortal blow to the aspirations of the territories that seek and find flags for ransom.
" Our movements are combined to give voice to those millions of people betrayed by their representation in the increasingly centralist policy and are aiming for a Europe where citizens last count more than the Brussels technocracy through the exercise democratic legitimacy, a Europe that is able to review the mechanisms discussed under the Treaty of Lisbon to strengthen the 'Europe of the peoples and the process autenticamente democratico di decisione. Ad un’Europa capace di esaltare la proprie  radici cristiane ; ad un’Europa finalmente capace di tutelare l’impresa nazionale e continentale dall’aggressione senza regole delle nuove economie;  ad un’Europa che esalti le identità delle Regioni ”.

Parimenti, ci  impegniamo  nella costruzione di un’Europa autenticamente capace di solidarietà e non egoista, aperta a combattere la disperazione del Terzo Mondo attraverso l’apertura di una politica finalmente proiettata ad un massiccio piano di investimenti nell’area del Mediterraneo. “Aiutarli in casa loro”, deve essere the commitment of the new Europe that the dramatic issue of immigration can finally exit from the agenda of global security. Support to the economies of the South, claim the respect of duties in our house for those who asked for and obtained acceptance in Italy and Europe.

The European Parliament, Retired, The Right, Center Alliance, Mpa step to building a relationship of connection with the political forces that make reference to their cultural autonomy and political, against any condition of a financial nature that too time houses in Brussels and lacking any social breath.
The election results of last year, we already allow to expected to easily overcome any barrier , but our ambition is even higher and that is to build the pole autonomy does not intend to stop at a single consultation of the electorate. Italians will be up to consider how to reward our effort to meet. The list is

appeal to all groups, movements, lists, and local associations and independent risk of being erased from the political scene so that they can get together and fight for freedom and the 'autonomy .


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