Monday, March 14, 2011

Brazilian Waxing In Charlotte Nc


Un pubblico delle grandi occasioni ha affollato la sala congressi dell'hotel Nettuno a Catania. Al centro dell'attenzione politica nazionale è finita, infatti, l'affollata "tavola rotonda", organizzata dal comitato provinciale della Democrazia Cristiana, sull'importanza dell'identità nazionale e sulle contestuali dinamiche di territorialità isolana. Prima di introdurre i lavori, come da tradizione, l'ascolto dell'Inno di Mameli e del "Biancofiore", con un elegante tricolore che faceva da sfondo alla sala. A fare gli onori di casa il commissario provinciale Stefano Finocchiaro, che si è soffermato sull'importanza della proposta politica della Dc e sul "ruolo" sociale che il Partito si è imposto nell'azio ne politica quotidiana. Autorevole la testimonianza del Presidente della Provincia Regionale di Catania, On. Giuseppe Castiglione, che ha portato i suoi saluti alla platea, auspicando il proseguo di una proficua collaborazione istituzionale con la Dc negli Enti Locali e confermando, peraltro, nella veste di coordinatore regionale del Pdl, l'alleanza di ferro, anche a livello catanese e siciliano, con lo Scudocrociato. Prima dell'atteso intervento di Berlusconi, hanno fatto la staffetta due giovani militanti, portavoci delle istanze provenienti dall'universo giovanile: Giuseppe Finocchiaro, esponente del Movimento Giovanile e Valeria Finocchiaro, consigliere comunale della Dc al Comune di Valverde. The focus has shifted, accordingly, its scheduling priority on the political agenda of the country's "youth issue" and the importance of a strong contribution to the South.
the festival is, then, spoke by telephone with Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, just dwell on the recent proposal of the Justice Reform and the "Libyan crisis," which "will - said the Knight - a biblical exodus." Then the thrust to the left, guilty of "coined the slogan" square "mean moves from one event to another - has roared - and hopes to give the government, through the square, those shoulders that failed to give Parliament ". "I think - Added Berlusconi - that by doing so the left is being condemned to a marginal and ultimately to other long years of opposition, because the policy makes sense if you can give positive and concrete to the people '. a thunderous applause has risen from the room when the Premier spoke of the "valuable alliance with the Christian Democrats and the contribution of the incisor Pizza Secretary to government." "We hope - he then conluso - to arrive at an altitude of 330 MPs in the House and this will enable us to carry out major reforms to the country. "Congedatosi with a joke, Berlusconi greeted and militants allied to the Democrats secured a major role piano all'interno della maggioranza di centrodestra. Prezioso l'intervento di Marco Romano, componente l'Ufficio Politico Nazionale, che si è soffermato sul ruolo propulsivo della Democrazia Cristiana nella difesa dei diritti dell'individuo e sul rilancio dell'azione politica sul territorio. Sintesi affidata al segretario regionale Ninni Pisano, il quale ha posto l'accento sull'importanza dell'identità storica nazionale e sul rilievo della territorialità isolana nell'ambito del radicamento capillare del Partito. Le conlusioni sono state affidate al segretario nazionale, On. Giuseppe Pizza: "Oggi paradossalmente dovrei dire che il governo e' piu' solido ora con una piccola maggioranza numerica di quanto non lo fosse prima con una maggioranza estremamente piu' vasta, perche' le aree di dissenso interno sono scomparse e tutto mi sembra estremamente piu' compattato e lo si e' visto in tutte le votazioni che si sono succedute dopo il 14 dicembre". In materia di alleanze, l'autorevole membro del Governo Berlusconi ha poi precisato: "L'attuale legge elettorale ci costringe ad alleanze con questo o quel partito per entrare in Parlamento. Capirete - ha rimarcato Pizza - che per noi, storicamente proporzionalisti, non è facile fare certi ragionamenti, in quanto siamo gelosi dei nostri princìpi e valori intrinseci. Per questo, abbiamo già un'intesa con quei movimenti che si riconoscono nella tradizione democristiana, ma che oggi hanno deciso di intraprendere percorsi paralleli: su tutti "Noi Sud" del sottosegretario Enzo Scotti. Rappresento un partito nazionale - ha rivendicato con orgoglio Pizza -, quindi lungi da noi dare vita ad una piccola lega del Sud. Vogliamo, piuttosto, cercare di essere un partito nazionale con una fortissima vocazione meridionalista". Ha portato i propri saluti, in rappresentanza del Movimento Femminile, la delegata nazionale Graziella Duca Arcuri, auspicando un maggiore coinvolgimento delle risorse "rosa" all'interno del Partito.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Walk In Clinics In Scarborough That Do Std

Caserta, signed the code of ethics

Friday, March 11, 2011

Big And Tall Mens Clothing

Wall: History of the Risorgimento and anti-historical and Brigantaggio

The socio-cultural association "La Tenda" under the patronage of the town of Wall Sunday, March 13 in Piazza Berlinguer held a conference debate entitled:

"unhistorical HISTORY OF NATIONAL REVIVAL AND of banditry"
Comparison thesis




LUIGI Verrengia mayor of Wall
: POMPEY DE CHIARA neoborbonici Caserta
Prof. Vincenzo Guli ' noeborbonica Naples
Dr. MARCO VISCARDI literary historian-II univ.Federico



at 17:30 c / o multi-purpose room of Piazza Berlinguer
Introduction to the question "banditry"
at 18:00

Screening of the film "They were called Brigands" Pasquale Squitieri

Annuity For 86 Yr Old

Nuclear Referendum we decide! The Matese

"Nuclear Referendum, and we decide!" E 'is the title of the initiative for the referendum campaign that the Left will Ecology and Freedom from Sessa Aurunca next Saturday, March 12, 2011 at 17:30 in the hall of the Ducal Palace.
While the Government is turning a deaf ear, and almost hard to communicate the official date of the day you will vote for the referendum, SEL is calling upon citizens to discuss and exchange views on an issue from the territory of ' Caserta has always stirred up dissent and discontent among local residents.
At a crucial moment for the economy of our country, closely related to the energy crisis with the international crises in the Mediterranean off, SEL considers as timely as ever to bring the agenda the issue of sustainable development and alternative energy. For these reasons, a forward looking and sensitive to environmental issues, land to protect the universal right to health, can not point to a determined position of the No to nuclear power, to contribute to the revival of sound policies and effective in economic terms and social.

Coordination of Citizen Sessa Aurunca.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Rectal Sinus Infection

8 March

The event 8 March in Piedimonte M. was a story of celebration, which took the warm colors of confetti, which with the help of the wind twirled around the beautiful paintings on display by the artists of Matese.
has magically vissut in an atmosphere of mixed voices, singing, poetry and art which dispersed feelings of renewal and possibility.
It 's a way, this, 13 February 2011 began with the event "If not now when" and he sees, once again, the female protagonists of mobilization time to shake their experience with the consciences of our territory.
were initially turns on the stage of the voices of Emily Lullo ( The dream of butterfly ) and notes (items) that the Constitution puts harmoniously in defense of women, told and the depth of Lilly Professor Buccio that drove his thinking also on the "gender justice".
The poet and artist to Fausta Visconti, who received the literary prize of equal opportunities, has enchanted us with her poem "Woman". Continued Songwriter for Peace Agnese Ginocchio, Woman committed to peace "which had opened the event" If not now when "in Caserta. She has maintained its presence in the square and in the mobilization for its staunch defense and an enhancement of the "Woman in the name of Peace who dares to defend their ideas, challenge uncertainties and disarm the 'arrogance' s uomo che considera le donne solo come un oggetto di piacere”.
E’ intervenuto, anche, il sindaco Avv. Vincenzo Cappello che ha riportato l’attenzione sulle origini della celebrazione, ricordando quel lontano marzo del 1911, quando 146 lavoratrici furono protagoniste di un devastante rogo nelle fabbriche di New York.
La riflessione si è, poi, soffermata sul ruolo combattivo che ha avuto la donna nel nostro territorio: un racconto di donne contadine, le “cafone” che nel 1911,   pur di non farsi defraudare della loro terra, della loro seppur umile esistenza, si sono ribellate all’esproprio delle terre da parte della Sme per la costruzione dell’odierna diga, a Letino, così subendo l’onta del carcere.
Dopo di che, è stata occasione gradita assistere al racconto sul palco di stralci del testo “Memorie di genere” (in prossima pubblicazione) opera nella quale si raccontano le voci, le memorie, le condizioni di lavoro e di vita di donne di Piedimonte Matese.
Un testo animato dalla presenza e voce di due donne (Dalila Fiore e Daniela Sautto) che hanno interpretato i racconti di vita di alcune donne intervistate.
Le condizioni di vita e di difficoltà del territorio, come quando si proietta la luce che attraversa un prisma Glass different color and depth: has represented the condition often unfulfilled and suffering from a social welfare worker, then that resolute and combative of the young researcher and archaeologist MariaChiara Scappaticcio.
is women who wanted to talk about, it is women who feel responsible for the deviation in the system of values, they are repeated into the world as a partisan of a new Italy.
Thus, it 'was an opportunity to tell women who work steadily in and out of home, of those seeking work and do not find it, of workers forced to illegal employment, licenses, precarious, many of which have left their families away to deal with our own, and women into slavery.
The possibility of this narrative was made possible through the support of the municipal administration, support and discussion that the Committee of Glossop "If not now when" he had with Prof. Constantine Leuci, artists who have graced the event (including, among others Enzo Altieri, Richard Damiani), the painters who generously contributed their paintings, and works hard to Antonio Atzeni and Alessandro Riccitelli Association for the Left Matese.
Fortini Antoinette - European if not now when Matese

How To Wear A Men's Silk Scarf

SEL plaintiff process Cosenza - Sarno: "In the land of the Camorra always work in the field. Need to change rules "

" The Camorra has long declared war on our territory, bombing and polluting our fields, the water we drink, the air we breathe, turning the land into a land of felix gomorra. It 's time that the policy bank to do everything from making it waterproof. With concrete action, transparent and verifiable. Here, in Terra di Lavoro, the Camorra has always influenced the outcome of the elections first and then the policy choices, and is ready to use its considerable weight in the next administrative. A civil party in the process in which the defendant PDL regional coordinator Nicola Cosentino, is a political act as unusual as due, as is the Constitution sets out the central role in our democracy, is attributed to the parties .
was stated by Peter Sarno , provincial coordinator of the party Vendola, here this morning, with the new regional secretary Arturo Scotto, before the court of St. Maria Capua Vetere. "Our presence before this court - raises Sarno - is not a symptom of a drift justicialist ad personam. Today we are certainly not here to invoke the sentencing Cosentino. will be judges and magistrates, as long as him will be given the opportunity to establish the truth of the case of a story as serious. We are here to testify, however, the serious anomaly in a country where a politician on trial for collusion with the Camorra, can play the leading role in the ruling party most of the region biggest of southern Italy. We are here to represent the real desire for change policy must embody, from the rules that every day is given and that too often affect only the growth of their wages. "
Unfortunately - continues Sarno - now seems to have lost the capacity to become indignant, even surprising, while our territories continue to lose strokes than the rest of Europe, where, for much less, there is a real political earthquake. Things that make you smile in Italy. Why - you ask the leader of Vendoliani - an ordinary citizen who applies for any public competition must show, for example, failed to criminal trials in progress and not having committed crimes against the public administration and who is close to politics, a political party, has nothing to prove, even if the evidence of the facts at times speaks for itself? Yet the policy, at least in the original conception, should oversee any activities and therefore be subject to more stringent selection rules than any other area. It 's a simple principle that the policy itself, or part of it, but continues to ignore. That's why - concludes Sarno - raised, from the next round of administrative and, in particular from Caserta, capital of the land of work, the need for all parties to adopt the ethical code of self- election officially presented today. A concrete and important therefore that we hope will be taken as an example and adopted by the entire political class Caserta. "

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What Are The Different Materials In The Ipod


Si è met in recent days, at the premises of the secretariat of way boat, the provincial committee of the Christian Democrats to define the details of the "round table" which will take place Sunday, March 13 at the Hotel Neptune at 10:00. Provided assistance from the Provincial Commissioner Stefano Finocchiaro, regional secretary of the national executive Ninni Pisano and Marco Romano. To conclude its work on national secretary Mr Joseph Pizza, Undersecretary of State for Education. It will bring the greetings of the convention and draw lessons from the centrist Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, speaking by telephone.
officers, members and supporters of the province Etna Democrats will debate about issues related to the territorial island, in the context of a broader analysis of the centrality of man in the context of the daily news. Forward to testify what they have written an important page in the history of Italy and the Scudocrociato, since the postwar period, to draw the lines programmattiche future, building on experience of the past.

Monday, March 7, 2011

What Are Good Toys For A Sugar Glider

Presentation UNDER NEW Santa Maria a Vico

Press presentation UNDER NEW SANTA MARIA A VICO (CE).

On March 6, 2011 was held in Rome in Piazza Santa Maria a Vico a banquet for the presentation of the newly formed militant of the New Forces CUIB Valley Suessola. Physical activity in the streets of the town was strongly backed by Simone Pope declaring: Santa Maria in Italy as in all things not going well and it's time to act, to act must not be old whose life is confined to the but these young people who live in the world to come. The head of CUIB Raffaele in Carfora a realist perspective sees far but the change is confident and looks forward to a positive response and declared us kids without charges or positions we can not make a contribution to an immediate change, but we must strive to keep attention focused on the problems and to stimulate awareness too many times sleeping at Raffaele Carfora also joins Cristian Pope reminding everyone that the motto of the Provincial Federation of Caserta is BUT NOT FOR MONEY OR SEATS FOR CONSISTENCY IN OUR IDEALS.

After the presentation was attended by a dozen militants and ascertained a good response and a good response from the citizens, even surprised by this large group of children took to the the streets to bring their ideas and contribution to the young public life.

E 'was not by chance distributed a poster entitled "FREEDOM OF MIND TO THINK " with whom he remarked forzanovisti willingness of young people to have an action policy to us it should be free from conditioning and detachment from personal glories and parochialism.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Men Wetdreams Movie Clip

THURSDAY '03 March 2011. Forza Nuova Caposele was invited to participate in the Look Civic to discuss the problems of the country and especially the agreement with the Aqueduct Pugliese for the management of water owned by the City of Caposele.

The Delegation of FN Caposele very pragmatic presented with proposals and written analysis be submitted for consultation to investigate and analyze how they did the citizens' associations that have proposed to animate and involve the citizens on the issue. Unfortunately we must say with regret that the first meeting did not bring any results and it was realized that the political people have debated just what "".... create a commission of experts, consult a civic, a pool of luminaries in the field, a team of legal experts and then appoint a commission. The usual policy inconclusive.

All this has stunned, simply by the fact that there has been talk for three hours but finally did not get any that! We believe that in that context, it should at least find a starting point where the citizenry and its representatives would have to bear with the reasons and the rights of the country, but this did not happen. However, we remain hopeful that the next meeting we can find a line of purpose for the good of Caposele.

Samuel Sardo-FN Caposele

Thursday, March 3, 2011

What Do Morticians Do With Blood

Sessa Aurunca: Initiative on Public SEL nuclear

The Federation of the Province of Caserta Left Ecology and Freedom on the proposal of SEL circle of Sessa Aurunca (CE), will hold a public initiative Saturday, March 12 at 17:30 Pesso the Hall of the Ducal Castle of the same town.
The event will address the nuclear issue, the reckless energy policy pursued by this government, the sensitive question of the referendum that we are going to face. L'iniziativa avvia di fatto la campagna referendaria nazionale per il no-Nucleare di Sinistra Ecologia e Libertà.
Sessa Aurunca come tutti sanno ospita sul proprio territorio da circa 40 anni la famigerata Centrale Nucleare del Garigliano, oggetto di tante polemiche per la messa in sicurezza dopo l'avaria degli anni 70, e, per il ventilato rischio di riutilizzo come sito di stoccaggio temporaneo per le scorie radioattive. Per queste ragioni riteniamo fondamentale per SEL, per il territorio, per noi tutti, far sentire la nostra voce con la più ampia e determinata partecipazione su uno dei temi più delicati per il nostro ambiente ed il nostro futuro, al fine di far rendere più visibile che mai la nostra azione politica , lungimirante and renewing.

Giulia Casella - Environmental League
Peter Sarno - provincial coordinator SEL Caserta
Gianni Mattioli - National Presidency SEL
Paolo Cento - Resp . Nat. Local Authorities
Arturo Scotto - Campania Regional Coordinator SEL

Franco Passaretti - coord. nt provincial SEL Caserta

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Rogue Status Reflecter

Elections Trentola Ducenta - Sarno (SEL): no support from SEL Griffo

" The news spread in the last hours, on one of our alleged support for the civil list "Together for the city," former Mayor Michael Griffo, lacks any foundation. SEL, a Trentola Ducenta as in all municipalities to vote, will support only candidates and center-left coalition, or civic lists to it directly and clearly related. It does not seem to be the case in the list "Together for the city, supported by much of the center-right and headed by Michael Griffo, former mayor of Trentola Ducenta share in PDL, with whom, at least part of the SEL, there ' is no possibility of dialogue. "
E 'peremptory remarks of Peter Sarno , coordinator Provincial SEL, on the rumors, spread by some newspapers, which would give the party between supporters of former mayor Vendola pidiellino Griffo.
"At the last meeting held in the Province of Caserta SEL - continued Sarno - we agreed, unanimously, however, what is the policy of ecology and freedom left in the next round of elections administrative. In all municipalities in the vote we are committed to building alliances to left center, open to civil society and renewed programs, with candidates who will represent, with quality and consistency, the values \u200b\u200bwe carry with us, starting with respect for the self-regulatory code mafia. "" Routes dive rsi - concludes Sarno - precise basis of the common so-called "minor" as Trentola Ducenta, on which more and the higher our level of attention, I assure you will not see SEL involved, either directly or indirectly. "

Businessforsale In Ski Station

Call for change to protect the photovoltaic Renewable DL

For several months the discussion of the legislative decree transposing EU directives for promotion of renewable sources. Friday afternoon was published a draft which provides for a surprise the following text to Article 23, paragraph 11 d):
from January 1, 2014 is repealed the energy bill. In the case of early achievement of specific objective for solar photovoltaics, set at 8,000 MW for 2020 is suspended the allocation of incentives for more production from solar photovoltaic until it is determined by decree of the Minister of Economic Development, to be taken in consultation with the Minister for the Environment and Protection of the Sea, after consultation with the Joint Conference of new policy objectives and means of achievement;

What can we do

Copy and paste the the following in an email to be sent to those responsible for drafting and approving the DL on renewable

segreteria.capogabinetto @ ; ufficio.stampa @ ;
secretariat. ; ufficio.legislativo @ ;
dipartimento.energia @ ; ufficio.stampa @ ;
segreteria.ministro @ ;

with the text:

URGENT: Call for amending DL in defense of Renewable Photovoltaic
Why should we prevent it from being agreed on the text suspending incentives once you reach the roof of the 8,000 MWp

As expected the achievement of the 8,000 already MWp by summer (between plants connected and being connected we are already about 7 GWp) such a test would lead to:
  1. an immediate block on the part of banks to finance new plants because the connection times are still long and uncertain and therefore are not be sure to return in the last 1,000 MWp available
  2. a result of the market and stop the inevitable crisis of the companies sector


I ask you to change the text on photovoltaics, in the DL transposition of EU directives for the promotion of renewable sources, to ensure continuity for the sector.
achieved the objective of 8,000 MWp is absolutely inadmissible to the suspension of incentives without first having defined under the new incentive.
Photovoltaics employs tens of thousands of people in Italy and 2010 Italian companies active in photovoltaics have achieved a total turnover of about Euro 40 billion, contributing to national GDP to more than 2%, no PV we would have a GDP decline in 2010 compared to 2009 and less revenue for the treasury of Italian € 2 billion.

If you work in the field add the following text, filling it with the missing numbers:

If you are the holder:
My company is operating in the photovoltaic X people and this year will pay taxes of Euro X Italian State through the Energy Bill.

If you are an employee:
job in a company that operates in PV. Without the Energy Bill would be probably one of the many unemployed Italians.

If you have at heart the good of the country (work, state budget, the environment) must work to delete from the DL the infamous Article 23, paragraph 11 d).


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