Cari amici, cittadini di Ferrara,
qualcuno, nelle lunghe settimane che hanno preceduto la campagna elettorale vera e propria, che si apre oggi, ha fatto di tutto e di più, per impedirci di essere presenti oggi su questa piazza.
Chi ha seguito the vicissitudes of politics Ferrara local newspapers have been able to realize it. They tried to destroy, to annihilate us, to denigrate, to offend our dignity and our honor. We have been deceived, betrayed and humiliated. A hundred times in those days, we fell a hundred times we raised and we resumed the journey.
In the most difficult days, when everything seemed lost, when time was running short, when it seemed that the goal rather than closer, to go away, some of us, from myself, thought that perhaps all was in vain, that the efforts, enthusiasm and commitment that we had profuse in these two years of work in the area, patient, stubborn, stubborn, were destined to disappear into thin air, smothered by the avalanche of deception and trickery that the links were in place to cut our legs and keep us in every way to introduce ourselves to these elections administrative. Well today I, his friend Alberto Ferretti, Sergio Baroni, Massimiliano Guerzoni, Marco Loberti, which is a candidate for Mayor of Bondeno and other friends who have dealt with me this long journey in the desert, we can tell you with absolute certainty that the right of Ferrara is standing, that we have not surrendered, we accept the challenge that was launched with bare hands, with our limited means available, with virtually zero financial resources, but with the firm conviction that they have the heart and soul of a human community that does not give up, because it is strong in its ideas, its values, its ideals, infinite love for this city and this province, for our people, it belongs to any political belief.
last year, I represented the Right in the Provincial Council. I tried to create the conditions for this Party could become a credible political party and accepted as such and I must say, without false modesty, I have succeeded. For months, we have patiently woven wire reports, with all political forces in the area, as the majority of opposition. We have achieved some notoriety in the papers, we showed with facts and not just in words, of being a political movement of ideas, proposals, which has made the philosophy of doing and not give her strength and pride. Not to be, like others in recent weeks have wanted to paint, a party of nostalgia. Let the Right Ferrara - as I have already had occasion to repeat in other contexts - is not and does not want to be a saint to hang on the wall under a votive lamp, but has the ambition to be, here as elsewhere , Italy that does not bend la schiena davanti all’arroganza del potere, l’Italia che non ha padroni né padrini, quell’Italia che ama a tal punto la democrazia e la libertà da sapersi ancora indignare davanti a chi quella democrazia e quella libertà ha calpestato e mortificato, sull’altare dei suoi sporchi e loschi traffici particolari.
Qui a Ferrara e in Provincia, cari amici, la sfida è aperta, apertissima e ce la possiamo giocare sino in fondo.
Da un lato, abbiamo una Sinistra in affanno. Il Partito Democratico arriva a queste consultazioni elettorali con il fiato corto. Sateriale and water, after ten years of local government, leaving a legacy to this city and the province's economy on its knees and administrative experience in bankruptcy, lived without enthusiasm and without passion.
And this - I want to emphasize - in spite of the administrative bureaucracy of municipal and provincial records often true of excellence. Let me about it publicly thank the Secretary General of the Municipality Dr. Finardi, Dr. Tortora their employees and all employees for the great willingness and the admirable dedication and commitment with which they their delicate craft. We had first hand this morning and it seemed only right to repeat this evening in this square.
A political class - I said - do not rise to the occasion. So much so that the center-left candidate for President of the Province, Marcella Zappaterra, is compelled to seek the vote to citizens of Ferrara with the unfortunate slogan "change the province," implicitly acknowledging that what she and her friends have combined these long years of management is something to be ashamed of, rather than something to be proud of.
other hand, we have a Freedom People who gave the papers the last few months worst possible events. Torn by internal feuds, screwed on himself in a gang war that is still ongoing and that perhaps only a few time to know the winner and the loser. Even in these days, in newspapers, the nomenklatura of that party is itself referring to political movements such as the National Alliance and Forza Italy, which no longer exist except in the logic of power relations on which it was built and still holds this 'undigested jumble called PDL, led here in Ferrara by Senator Alberto Balboni.
I, dear friends, today I apply to become President of this Province. I do it after a political career that has diverted our responsibility to, at some point, from its initial leg.
As you know, we put at the service of the political project of Davide Verri, which occurs in the province with its own civil list, our enthusiasm, our selfless support our availability. We believed in the premise from where it started its challenge to the PDL, which was that of "embedding, rather than excluded, "as he wrote in his open letter to Senator Balboni a few months ago. We had the illusion that in fact that prospect would represent the great news of this political campaign. Then have begun the blackmail, the rulings against us. First by the Civic Alliance List Ferrara, led by Neda Barbieri, then by the Northern League, the party that has made its flagship Roman centralism, as seems to be needed was a a phone call from Rome to force the League's deputy provincial secretary Cavicchi policy choices adopted in the salons of Deputies and the Senate instead of Ferrara, a total closure for us.
In this matter we have shown patience, sense of responsibility, willingness to do more than just a step behind. But when it officially rejected our support, breaching a condition certainly not written, but signed for months with a handshake that right for us to count more than a piece of paper signed before a notary, then we realized that it was time to take another path, that pride, the flag, the dignity of a community has nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to apologize or make amends, as its strong principles that are enshrined in our national statutes and which are the Party of the Right of the Italians, under a firmly rooted Tradition, looking toward the future and making of national identity and the social doctrine of the Church, its pillars and its ideal points of reference.
But the more exciting battle, dear friends, is that against the PDL and its "champion", so to speak, Mauro Malaguti, the candidate himself Presidenza della Provincia. Davide contro Golia, mi verrebbe da dire. Non solo per le nostre rispettive conformazioni fisiche, ma anche per la sproporzione delle forze in campo, economiche, soprattutto. Malaguti ha tappezzato l’intera Provincia con il suo faccione e, ne siamo certi, continuerà a farlo. Ettari di Foresta Amazzonica gettati al vento. Ebbene, noi questo sfacciato sfoggio di opulenza, alla faccia di chi non arriva alla fine del mese, non ce lo possiamo permettere e non vi faremmo ricorso anche se ne avessimo la possibilità. Però non abbiamo paura, perché siamo forti delle nostre buone ragioni.
Dal signor Malaguti, cari amici, mi separa everything. He, as he repeated several times and as reiterated in his blog, says he is a "party man". I, on the contrary, I am a free man, a member of a party. " He has a boss who owes his political fortunes and to which is bound to obey. In contrast, I only obey my conscience and I do this to boast. He has renounced his past for the sake of convenience, I have nothing to be denied because I have always told everyone, inside and outside the party, who I am, where I come from, what are my values, in what I believe and where I want to go. He has shown that the dignity and pride are words that do not know the meaning, having accepted, as fact, that he will nominate and Scandic three times without flinching. In contrast, I have the dignity of those who know how to represent a community of people who in recent weeks have felt humiliated and offended, and rightly so I have specifically asked to spend in this exciting adventure. He will lose because he was nominated by Senator Balboni affixed to lose this election. I still go, I won, because our presence in this square is the living testimony to the hubris, arrogance, intrigue which feeds these people day after day does not pass, till we 'll stop him.
E’ quindi con grande fiducia che affrontiamo il mese che ci attende, certi di meritare quel buon risultato elettorale che la nostra buona coscienza, la coerenza nei comportamenti che abbiamo sempre manifestato e la fede nell’amicizia che ci unisce e che mai verrà meno ci farà ottenere.
Viva Ferrara, viva La Destra ferrarese.
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