Friday, May 29, 2009

Fatty Liver And Dizziness


Dear friends, citizens of Comacchio,

is with great pleasure that today, by this stage, the right launched its challenge in this campaign that will take us, from here to ten days, the appointment of administrative and European 6:07 June.

A Oriano Rossi and Roberto Gelli, I mean my sincere "thank you"! Thanks guys for your friendship, thank you for your faith, thanks to the enthusiasm with which you are facing this difficult task, thanks to the passion and the love you have for your beautiful Comacchio, in which I am always very happy and where I am always like I was at my house riscoprendo ogni volta quel clima di accoglienza e di solidarietà che solo chi è di Destra può capire e avere sperimentato.

Qui a Comacchio, cari cittadini, fin da subito, da che abbiamo cioè intrapreso questa nuova esperienza politica e abbiamo messo in piedi a Ferrara il Partito, meno di due anni fa, abbiamo creato una stupenda comunità umana, che sta crescendo giorno dopo giorno e che ci porterà, ne sono certo, ad ottenere un ottimo risultato in occasione delle imminenti elezioni provinciali. Una comunità, peraltro, che non si è mai tirata indietro e che anche in anni lontani ha tenuto alta la bandiera dei nostri ideali, dei nostri valori and our hopes, against those ideals, those values \u200b\u200band would destroy hopes and trampled upon.

Here, thanks to the great organizational skills Oriano, Roberto and with them many who have always been busy, we are now able to make a group, to witness by our presence physics and the consistency of our behavior, that the right exists, that the right is standing up and make himself available to the Comacchio and its people, because nothing else does not want to ask and if not this one.

But the battle to get a good result in occasione delle prossime elezioni amministrative nelle quali mi sono candidato alla Presidenza di questa Provincia, e per le quali siamo oggi qui a chiedere il vostro sostegno, non è fine a se stessa. Rappresenta infatti il trampolino di lancio che ci condurrà, di qui a meno di un anno, ad affrontare   un’altra sfida importante per La Destra: quella per il rinnovo del consiglio comunale di Comacchio e per l’elezione del suo nuovo Sindaco.   E anche lì, se avremo lavorato bene, se avremo fatto prevalere l’amore disinteressato per questo territorio così bello e spesso così trascurato e la nostra voglia di spenderci for it without asking anything in return, if we did touch Comacchio to the deeper meaning of the originality of our proposed policy, I am sure we will get the recognition they deserve, even in terms of electoral support.

And right now we can say that the people of Comacchio and Lidi, youth, men, women, elderly people who are closely following the vicissitudes of local politics have taken an absolute novelty of our message, our being "outside the box" and approach more and more to our section lagoon our Provincial Federation of Ferrara, demonstrating with their warmth and their love that our sacrifices are not in vain.

Anyone following the press of political events of recent weeks, you know who have tried everything to prevent us from being present in this square as in the other squares in the Ferrarese.

tried to destroy, to annihilate us, to denigrate, to offend our dignity and our honor. We have been deceived, betrayed and humiliated. We have suffered every possible form of ostracism. In the final days leading up to the closure of termini per la presentazione delle liste abbiamo sinceramente pensato di non farcela, ma non per questo ci siamo arresi. Ci siamo invece rimboccati le maniche e abbiamo ripreso il cammino perché avevamo un traguardo da raggiungere e volevamo farcela ad ogni costo. Qualcuno probabilmente in cuor suo si augurava che non ce la facessimo e già ci dava per spacciati, ma noi abbiamo dimostrato con i fatti come la nostra comunità sia fatta di gente con gli attributi, che non molla tanto facilmente e che soprattutto vende cara la propria pelle.

E a questo proposito lasciatemi ringraziare in modo particolare Massimiliano Guerzoni, Francesca Rigetti, Francesco Folda, Mirko Farina, Marco Sarti, Sergio Baroni ... without them, without their sleepless nights, without their admirable dedication, today I would not be on this stage and probably not to speak to his friend Alberto Ferretti would run for Mayor of Ferrara.

a year and a half now we are present here in Comacchio and who knows us knows that we have worked, especially in recent months to unite around the center, to create the ideal conditions for could win the first round of provincial elections, giving this region a center-Provincial President and a majority alternative policy than there has governed uninterruptedly for 64 years, with devastating results that are visible to everyone. We have worked because at last we could send home a Left arrogant and presumptuous, this time embodied by Marcella Zappaterra, all supported by the center, literally terrified by the fear of losing. Zappaterra that in a desperate quest to regain a consensus that it no longer and probably lost forever is compelled to seek the vote to citizens of Ferrara with the unfortunate slogan "change the province," implicitly acknowledging that what she is the his friends in these long years of combined management represents something to be ashamed of, rather than something to be proud of.

La Destra – al contrario – e Roberto e Oriano mi sono buoni testimoni, ha dimostrato, nel lungo periodo che ha preceduto la campagna elettorale vera e propria, un grande senso di responsabilità. E soprattutto ha dimostrato, nei momenti più difficili, che non sono mancati, di saper fare squadra, di rappresentare una comunità umana che da Cento fino a Goro, passando per Bondeno, dove candidiamo a Sindaco l’amico Marco Loberti, che saluto con affetto e che oggi è voluto essere qui con noi, ha un cuore solo, che non è disposto a vendere per nessuna ragione al mondo.

We, thank God, we are different by Senator Balboni, by John Cavicchi, Davide Verri, concerned only the need to plant as many flags as possible to mark the boundary of their possessions, rather than offer real hope for a better future for this wonderful human community Comacchio.

in the right, unlike in the PDL, or the Northern League, or improvising armed brancaleone supporting the former mayor of Bondeno, we do not make anyone's blood tests. We look at each other and ask each other we want to go. And the values \u200b\u200band ideals common start our journey together. Not through the shadows. Not have two faces and two moralities. We do not have two words. We are so, as we see, simple people, maybe a bit 'naive, because it does not and has never made a profession of politics, perhaps with a few less glossy poster on the wall because they have less money to spend than others, but Comacchio knowing that if today is close to us is because we believe in consistency in our loyalty, our ability to keep the commitments in our obstinate and stubborn will to never give up.

And believe me. That I introduce myself as a candidate for the presidency The Right of the Province of Ferrara, I have lived this experience and I paid the way down on my skin.

last year, as you may know, I represented the Right in the Provincial Council. I always tried to create the conditions for this Party could become a credible political party and accepted as such and I must say, without false modesty, I have succeeded. To months, I patiently weave the thread of relations with all political forces in the area, as the majority of opposition. This allowed us to have good visibility in the papers, to prove with facts and not just in words, of being a political movement of ideas, proposals, which has made the philosophy of doing and not give her strength and pride. Not to be, like others in recent weeks have wanted to paint, a party of nostalgia.

Because we have the ambition to be, here as elsewhere - and we're sorry for others who can not do it because it does not seem credible - Italy that does not bend his back in front of the arrogance of power, Italy that has no bosses or godfathers, who has not a Senator Balboni or Director Dragotto prostrate before whom to ask for favors with his hat in his hand, he loves that Italy In comparison, the democracy and freedom to know that people still get angry in front of that freedom and democracy tramples and humiliates daily.

As I said before, there were difficult moments, where I was literally smothered by an avalanche of deception and trickery, to put in place by the first lady art Neda Barbieri, who heads the list of Alliance for Ferrara, a pseudo list civica infarcita di neo democristiani e di ex comunisti più o meno pentiti che sostiene sul territorio candidati a sindaco che chiedono i voti contro i candidati del centrodestra; poi dalla Lega Nord di Giovanni Cavicchi, che ha imparato molto in fretta l’arte tutta romana della viltà e del tradimento.

Questi personaggi hanno cercato di tagliarci le gambe, per impedirci in ogni modo di poter sostenere alle elezioni Provinciali Davide Verri.

Perché, come saprete, io per primo, e con me il Partito, avevamo messo al servizio del Progetto politico di Davide Verri, che si presentava in the province with one of his civil list, our enthusiasm, our selfless support our availability. I believed in the premise from where it started its challenge to the PDL, which was that of "embedding, rather than exclude," as he wrote in his open letter to Senator Balboni better than a few months ago, I was deeply moved. I was deluded in short - evidently wrongly - that this view represented the great news of this political campaign, and especially Verri believed in what he said and wrote the paper.

Not so. Two months ago, have begun the blackmail, the rulings against us. Last of blackmail - as I said before - that the Northern League, the party that, in spite of the much-proclaimed federalism, centralism of Rome has made his political beliefs, although it took was a phone call from a member of the League for Roma Cavicchi require the provincial secretary, who obeyed as a soldier strutting, policy choices adopted in the salons of Deputies and the Senate instead of Ferrara, a total closure for us.

In this episode - believe me - we have shown infinite patience, sense of responsibility, willingness to do more than just a step behind. But when David Verri has officially rejected our support, breaching a pact signed with me for months with a handshake that's right for us counts more than any written agreement and possibly authenticated by a notary public, then we realized it was time of take another path, that pride, the flag, the dignity of a community that has nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to apologize or make amends, as its strong principles that are enshrined in our national statutes and which are the Party of the Right of the Italians, under a firmly rooted Tradition, looking toward the future and making of national identity and the social doctrine of the Church, its pillars and its ideal points of reference.

Bondeno a few days ago I remembered a phrase from the Gospel of Mark. He says: "If you do not receive you and will listen to you, on leaving, shake the dust from your sandals." And that's exactly what we did. We rolled up our sleeves and we started to work with more vigor than before, to collect signatures in order to arrive in time to submit our list to the provincials. And in the end we succeeded. And so today we have our list, sees that run in two provincial colleges of Comacchio friend Oriano Rossi. A list full of good people, young people, as the same folds, like Paul Montanari Argenta, entrepreneurs, women, self-employed and employees, representing a provincial list to the bottom of the real needs of this territory, its expectations, dreams and at the same time gives to those who were there, giving his availability, the feeling of being at home.

I then, dear friends, I run my party supports, from the Right, a group of trusted friends, but I encourage also certificates of sympathy in recent weeks is proving to me that so many fine people here at Comacchio, as in the rest of the province, he understood how things really went and promised us their support.

We, therefore, will be a battle at 360 °, there will also objected to Mauro Malaguti, the PDL candidate for President of the Province.

You Malaguti seen as having paved the entire province with its posters tarot cards, which reproduce in a photo taken at least ten years and twenty pounds ago. This already gives the meter of the character. Well, we in this shameless display of opulence, in the face of those who do not get to the end of the month, we would never have been used even if we had the economic means to do so. For an elementary question of good taste and because in these difficult times of economic crisis and recession, with people who struggles to make ends month, there would have seemed an unnecessary provocation.

Malaguti, has fake also the symbol of the PDL, by inserting the words "President Berlusconi," which appears nel logo approvato un paio di mesi fa in occasione del Congresso di fondazione di quel Partito. L’ha fatto perché evidentemente non si fida di se stesso e del suo messaggio politico e ha bisogno per raccattare qualche voto in più di poter contare sull’effetto trainante del Presidente del Consiglio. Io mi sono ben guardato dal far scrivere sul nostro simbolo “Storace per Gargioni”, o qualcosa del genere, anche se, credetemi, a Roma Storace conosce molto più Gargioni di quanto ad Arcore Berlusconi conosca il sig. Malaguti, di cui ignora persino l’esistenza. Non l’ho fatto perché non ho bisogno di uno specchietto per le allodole. Sono qui con la mia faccia, con le mie idee, con la mia coerenza a chiedere il vostro vote without a parachute, relying only on my strength and my personal credibility.

Malaguti is called "party man" and at least in this telling the truth. I, on the contrary, I call myself a "free man, a member of a party." He is a master who has a name and a surname, which owes its political fortunes and to which is bound to obey. In contrast, I only obey my conscience and I do not have anything to anyone because I never asked anyone. He has renounced his past for the sake of convenience, I have nothing to be denied because I have always told everyone, inside and outside the party, who sono, da dove vengo, quali sono i miei valori di riferimento, in cosa credo e dove voglio andare. Lui, con la sceneggiata andata in onda per intere settimane sui giornali locali (mi candido, non mi candido, mi candido, non mi candido…) ha dimostrato che   dignità e orgoglio sono parole di cui non conosce il significato. Io al contrario ho la dignità di chi sa di rappresentare una comunità di persone che in queste settimane si sono sentite giustamente umiliate e offese e per questo mi hanno chiesto espressamente di spendermi in questa entusiasmante avventura. Lui probabilmente perderà, perché purtroppo è stato candidato dal Senatore Balboni apposta per perdere queste elezioni. I, as I have said on many other occasions, however it goes I won, because our presence in this square is the living testimony to the hubris, arrogance, intrigue which feeds these people day after day does not pass until we 'll stop him.

We have clear ideas and we, in our programs for the Province, proposals as clear. They talk to me, a new way to experience the province, where transparency, democracy and meritocracy prevail over bureaucratic logic, and patronage partitocratiche on which the center has built its electoral fortunes for decades. They talk about school, vocational training, a financial policy that aims to reduce waste, a fiscal federalism accomplished and supportive; talk about infrastructure, first of all, the proposal for a variation to the bypass of Statale Romea to Ravenna, to ' height of Porto Corsini, bypassing the hub of Porto Garibaldi and after crossing the freeway Ferrara-Mare is reunited with her Venetian Romea, thus intercepting the traffic of the old thinking and doing part of the Romea lining the Lidi a "second Acciaioli" variant whose implementation is crucial for economic and industrial growth around the Ferrara e più in generale dell’intero Paese; parlano di sanità, a partire della necessità di difendere e potenziare i presidi sanitari locali come il San Camillo, per cui tanto si è battuta e continua a battersi l’amica Tiziana Gelli; di turismo e di ambiente, con il completamento del sistema di piste ciclabili che porta verso il mare e l’utilizzo della costituenda idrovia per la promozione del turismo ambientale, di sicurezza sulle strade, di servizi sociali, di agricoltura. Impegni concreti, che essendo noi persone serie realizzeremo sul nostro onore se i cittadini ci daranno il necessario consenso per poterlo fare.

E’ quindi con grande confidence that we face the few weeks that remain of this campaign, some of that good election result that deserves our good conscience, consistency in behavior that we have always shown and the faith that unites us in friendship and never will unless we will get.

Comacchio Viva, viva la Destra di Comacchio Ferrara.


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