Friday, June 5, 2009

What Isthe Covering On A Reflectr Telescope For?


Cari amici, cittadini di Ferrara,

siamo arrivati alla fine di questa lunga e faticosa campagna elettorale. Oggi e domani voteremo per eleggere il nuovo Sindaco di Ferrara, il nuovo Presidente della Provincia e i sindaci di altri 18 Comuni grandi e piccoli della nostra Provincia. Con loro eleggeremo i consiglieri comunali e provinciali dei relativi Local Authorities.

E 'was, I said, campaigned hard, when nobody gave us nothing. In which all that we have achieved in terms of visibility and presence on the ground there we had to win it inch by inch, with our commitment, our good will, with our dedication.

E ', however, was also an exciting election campaign, during which we "rediscovered" by acquiring the knowledge, day after day, to be our team, be in our community. With our differences, of course, with our sensitivities, we'll miss. The Right is: a capacity for dialogue, dialogue, against the logic of thought and only approval that reigns supreme in the PDL as in PD.

But our strong point was this: the compaction capacity of the more difficult times, the ability to help each other, to comfort and encourage each other. The ability to relate to the people, even those who are not active militancy in the party, that our determination in not wanting to give up, do not take into surrender in the face of obstacles, even the most difficult and seemingly insurmountable we met on the road.

The experience I have experienced in recent weeks as a candidate for President of the Province feel so strongly the need to thank all those who were near me, who agreed with me to undertake this road and to accept the gauntlet that was thrown.

I must say that, paradoxically, the absurd and discrimination which we have been subject to boycotts, rather than weaken, we have strengthened, in character as the conviction of our strength and our chances of success. We dimostrato alle anime belle che parlano di democrazia senza conoscerne il significato più profondo, che la Destra – come diceva Giorgio Almirante – o è democrazia o non è; o è amore per la libertà o non è; o è Europa dei popoli e delle patrie o non è.

Abbiamo dimostrato ai cittadini ferraresi che si può fare buona politica senza compromettersi con il potere, senza vendersi l’anima e soprattutto senza urlare, come fa la Lega. Perché solo chi non ha il coraggio delle proprie idee deve alzare la voce e mettersi a gridare per farsi sentire. Noi che il coraggio delle nostre idee l’abbiamo, abbiamo scelto un altro style for our campaign. To be among our people, to talk to our people, to pursue its demands, its suggestions, its proposals and make them our own by incorporating the rules in our electoral programs.

Ours was a campaign banner of sobriety. Little money to spend, use of self for every little expense that was necessary. I am proud of it. I am proud of the 500 € I've spent in 8000 against the convent, 25000 Verri, the 40000 Malaga, of the 100000 Zappaterra. We have shown that the reliability, consistency and credibility have more economic power in my political opponents showed off.

I do not know, dear friends, how it will end. None of us has a crystal ball to predict, and then let the time that it finds. I must confess, however, that even outside the party, I met many friends, also with ideas from my distant, I have pledged their support staff. Personally I do not have nothing to reproach myself. I did what the little time available, taken from my work commitments, I was allowed.

Today, however, citizens know that Ferrara's The Right and offers a proposal for the local government of the Province of strong alternative and radical renewal. We put at the service of this community in our time, our best efforts, our commitment. For this I am certain that voters will reward us with an encouraging result, which will spur us to do more and better in the months to come when we must root ourselves more and more territory, strengthen the quality of organization of the movement and prepare for the electoral challenges in the years to come , from the Administrative of 2010, with the elections of Comacchio and other smaller municipalities.

why we are looking trust the outcome of these elections, reiterating what I have already had occasion to say in Comacchio, a hundred and Bondeno. If someone in the center (or Verri Malaguti) we should ask for votes Tuesday to win the runoff against the Left, the Right knows that the time for discounts is over, which is run out of time backwards. We know that our line of the Piave we reached long ago. From then on, the goal is only one: to go forward.

Our commitment to the ballot will only assume a political agreement in the sunlight I see the appearance of our symbol on the ballot as the other lists. Otherwise these people will assume the whole responsibility of their own defeat, that we denounce the papers and everywhere we will be given the opportunity to speak, by first and last names of those responsible.

I therefore invite you, dear friends, for a final effort to persuade as many people as possible to give us confidence. Because the more we will be stronger the more we will be able, in the event of a runoff, to exercise our bodies and our ideals, the prospect of electoral success that we all want and that will finally, after 64 years, to liberate our province from the left and unable windbag who offended the dignity of this territory and humiliated its enormous potential.

Thank you again for your friendship. Viva La Ferrara Right.


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