homosexual issue, tomorrow the leaflets of Forza Nuova, Battipaglia (SA)
Approved by the City's plan of action della Commissione pari opportunitá. Si tratta di un programma di quindici punti per il 2011 e di ulteriori quattro nell’anno successivo. Il costo totale è di 8520 euro, da utilizzare per pubblicitá agli eventi, spese di rappresentanza, manifesti e lezioni.
Quasi la metá della spesa, ossia 4mila euro, andrá per una rassegna di letteratura gay, lesbica e trans dal titolo "Liberi tutti 2011". è un piano di confronti tra i cittadini e gli autori impegnati per il riconoscimento dei diritti delle persone omosessuali e transessuali, al fine di «rendere Battipaglia una cittá sempre più vivibile, accogliente e rispettose delle persone gay, lesbiche e trans, e delle loro famiglie». I 4 thousand euro of expenditure will be equally divided between advertising, audio-video filming, editing and DVD creation, accommodation and meals for guests and staff.
The event is edited by Pasquale Quaranta, 28 year old journalist and spokesman for the Salerno Pride 2005 and the National Council Arcigay. In the resolution, when we talk about books and authors in the review, one of the works is "Homosexuality and the Gospel" (2008), by the same Pasquale Quaranta.
A name which is also among the members of the Equal Opportunities Commission and was present as delegate of Legambiente, when that program was approved. The City Salerno, February 15, 2011
Tomorrow, Friday, February 25, the core of Forza Nuova Battipagliese fall in Piazza Aldo Moro, from 18 hours to make a flyer and to tell her about the show gay wanted by the Equal Opportunities Commission of the City.
Here is the text of the leaflet which will be released tomorrow
"Therefore God gave them over to shameful passions: their women changed the natural relationships with those unnatural, and men too, abandoned the report naturale con la donna, si accesero di mutua concupiscenza, commettendo turpitudini maschi con maschi, ricevendo in sé stessi la mercede meritata del loro pervertimento”
Lettera di San Paolo ai Romani 1,26-27
A margine di tale premessa, non è nostro proposito volersi curare delle preferenze sessuali di chicchessia. Non è, tantomeno, nostro costume violare la riservatezza delle persone, e quindi, tutto quanto possa attenersi precipuamente alla sfera dei comportamenti individuali.
Ben differente è qualora suddetti comportamenti tendano a tracimare nel dominio dell’interesse pubblico: parliamo dell’omosessualità, and obstinate attempt by some to place on a level of normality, as we know, and it must be acknowledged that things can not and should not be.
A state with its local institutions, in the dignity of its governmental functions, it can not promote and encourage subcultures based on unnatural behavior or of doubtful morality.
A country must work for the welfare of their citizens, thus ensuring the continuity of spiritual and physical: the "homosexual family" and the absurd claim to endorse it legally, is in total contrast to this assumption.
A municipal council, with the support of "bipartisan" Pidiellina the Province, who uses a single euro for pouring out the curse with indecent literature, although clumsy, attempt to reconcile homosexuality with the Holy Scriptures for the purpose of identification, competes with the "subversives of the natural order" to destroy everything that belongs to the form at the right, to balance and complement affection between man and woman, wonderful fount of divine geometry.
do not understand the persistence of them in wanting to stir up things in a society that does not raise children, with families in small pieces, which clings to the myths and hedonistic debauchery without a way out, undermined by examples Public unedifying as Marrazzo and Berlusconi. That's because
forzanovisti consistently devoted to the dictates of tradition, we call on relevant institutions to make an about-face, to avoid inflicting further humiliation as a Christian city Battipaglia, lest the arrogance disguised as tolerance prevails shameless arbitrariness of cultures voluptuous, decadent, from the Lower Empire, dark clouds looming as the future of our progeny.
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