"Merging libraries is how to build more public granaries, hoarding reserves against the winter of the spirit that many clues, despite myself, I come."
are the words of the great writer Marguerite Yourcenar, perhaps, to our community leaders will be known only to the letter, but not in meaning.
could not be otherwise since the local public library in Aversa, while popular, and although recently placed in "restructuring revalued" (?) Palace Gaudioso Piazza San Nicola, is thus still in a state of decay and shame, in other respects, difficult if not impossible to access for the elderly and the disabled. From complaints we receive on a daily basis by numerous and frequent users (students, researchers, etc.). And from our own surveys are found permanent water seepage from the ceiling (which by the way they are doing some rotting window frames and furniture) The failure of the elevators, insufficient lighting environments and the applicants failure of air conditioning and heating.
Tra l'altro è doveroso chiedere all'Amministrazione comunale se risponde al vero o meno la "voce" secondo la quale la ditta incaricata delle pulizie non espleta quotidianamente, come invece dovrebbe, il suo servizio nei locali della struttura.
Ed ancor di più, se risponde al vero o meno la "voce" secondo la quale i Vigili del Fuoco non avrebbero concesso finora il certificato di completa agibilità della struttura di Palazzo Gaudioso adibita a biblioteca.
Forse non ci si rende conto che il degrado infrastrutturale in cui versa questo servizio, oltre a costituire pericolo-pregiudizio per i suoi utenti ed operatori, determina il deterioramento irreversibility of documentary material, especially the old, secure in it.
To date, single sheets, posters and newspapers of the era, just pulled out of various folders that are contained in bulk, often crumbling like flour!
This probably will not happen if it complied with the prevailing legislation on archives and libraries which provide for single sheets, posters and newspaper cataloging in the appropriate sections of "newspaper" or "miscellaneous".
The library, by its nature must be a place of storage and then transmission of knowledge, but with these presuppositions Aversana "is completely distorted the concept of its function.
short, a public library is not and can not be an 'ecological island for waste paper and old!
Aversa The circle of Left Ecology and Freedom Calls, therefore, the municipal authorities in charge to resolve the apparent problems of the city library that was to affect the protection and safeguarding of its huge and very considerable collection of books, and at the same time to complete all the formalities provided for by law, to ensure accessibility and safety and physical safety of its visitors and operators.
Left Ecology and Freedom
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