Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Disighn Your Own Wrestling
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Kylie Minogue Grade Of Cancer
Friday, June 12, 2009
How To Get A Pokemon Happy In Silver
Friday, June 5, 2009
What Isthe Covering On A Reflectr Telescope For?
Cari amici, cittadini di Ferrara,
siamo arrivati alla fine di questa lunga e faticosa campagna elettorale. Oggi e domani voteremo per eleggere il nuovo Sindaco di Ferrara, il nuovo Presidente della Provincia e i sindaci di altri 18 Comuni grandi e piccoli della nostra Provincia. Con loro eleggeremo i consiglieri comunali e provinciali dei relativi Local Authorities.
E 'was, I said, campaigned hard, when nobody gave us nothing. In which all that we have achieved in terms of visibility and presence on the ground there we had to win it inch by inch, with our commitment, our good will, with our dedication.
E ', however, was also an exciting election campaign, during which we "rediscovered" by acquiring the knowledge, day after day, to be our team, be in our community. With our differences, of course, with our sensitivities, we'll miss. The Right is: a capacity for dialogue, dialogue, against the logic of thought and only approval that reigns supreme in the PDL as in PD.
But our strong point was this: the compaction capacity of the more difficult times, the ability to help each other, to comfort and encourage each other. The ability to relate to the people, even those who are not active militancy in the party, that our determination in not wanting to give up, do not take into surrender in the face of obstacles, even the most difficult and seemingly insurmountable we met on the road.
The experience I have experienced in recent weeks as a candidate for President of the Province feel so strongly the need to thank all those who were near me, who agreed with me to undertake this road and to accept the gauntlet that was thrown.
I must say that, paradoxically, the absurd and discrimination which we have been subject to boycotts, rather than weaken, we have strengthened, in character as the conviction of our strength and our chances of success. We dimostrato alle anime belle che parlano di democrazia senza conoscerne il significato più profondo, che la Destra – come diceva Giorgio Almirante – o è democrazia o non è; o è amore per la libertà o non è; o è Europa dei popoli e delle patrie o non è.
Abbiamo dimostrato ai cittadini ferraresi che si può fare buona politica senza compromettersi con il potere, senza vendersi l’anima e soprattutto senza urlare, come fa la Lega. Perché solo chi non ha il coraggio delle proprie idee deve alzare la voce e mettersi a gridare per farsi sentire. Noi che il coraggio delle nostre idee l’abbiamo, abbiamo scelto un altro style for our campaign. To be among our people, to talk to our people, to pursue its demands, its suggestions, its proposals and make them our own by incorporating the rules in our electoral programs.
Ours was a campaign banner of sobriety. Little money to spend, use of self for every little expense that was necessary. I am proud of it. I am proud of the 500 € I've spent in 8000 against the convent, 25000 Verri, the 40000 Malaga, of the 100000 Zappaterra. We have shown that the reliability, consistency and credibility have more economic power in my political opponents showed off.
I do not know, dear friends, how it will end. None of us has a crystal ball to predict, and then let the time that it finds. I must confess, however, that even outside the party, I met many friends, also with ideas from my distant, I have pledged their support staff. Personally I do not have nothing to reproach myself. I did what the little time available, taken from my work commitments, I was allowed.
Today, however, citizens know that Ferrara's The Right and offers a proposal for the local government of the Province of strong alternative and radical renewal. We put at the service of this community in our time, our best efforts, our commitment. For this I am certain that voters will reward us with an encouraging result, which will spur us to do more and better in the months to come when we must root ourselves more and more territory, strengthen the quality of organization of the movement and prepare for the electoral challenges in the years to come , from the Administrative of 2010, with the elections of Comacchio and other smaller municipalities.
why we are looking trust the outcome of these elections, reiterating what I have already had occasion to say in Comacchio, a hundred and Bondeno. If someone in the center (or Verri Malaguti) we should ask for votes Tuesday to win the runoff against the Left, the Right knows that the time for discounts is over, which is run out of time backwards. We know that our line of the Piave we reached long ago. From then on, the goal is only one: to go forward.
Our commitment to the ballot will only assume a political agreement in the sunlight I see the appearance of our symbol on the ballot as the other lists. Otherwise these people will assume the whole responsibility of their own defeat, that we denounce the papers and everywhere we will be given the opportunity to speak, by first and last names of those responsible.
I therefore invite you, dear friends, for a final effort to persuade as many people as possible to give us confidence. Because the more we will be stronger the more we will be able, in the event of a runoff, to exercise our bodies and our ideals, the prospect of electoral success that we all want and that will finally, after 64 years, to liberate our province from the left and unable windbag who offended the dignity of this territory and humiliated its enormous potential.
Thank you again for your friendship. Viva La Ferrara Right.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Fatty Liver And Dizziness
Dear friends, citizens of Comacchio,
is with great pleasure that today, by this stage, the right launched its challenge in this campaign that will take us, from here to ten days, the appointment of administrative and European 6:07 June.
A Oriano Rossi and Roberto Gelli, I mean my sincere "thank you"! Thanks guys for your friendship, thank you for your faith, thanks to the enthusiasm with which you are facing this difficult task, thanks to the passion and the love you have for your beautiful Comacchio, in which I am always very happy and where I am always like I was at my house riscoprendo ogni volta quel clima di accoglienza e di solidarietà che solo chi è di Destra può capire e avere sperimentato.
Qui a Comacchio, cari cittadini, fin da subito, da che abbiamo cioè intrapreso questa nuova esperienza politica e abbiamo messo in piedi a Ferrara il Partito, meno di due anni fa, abbiamo creato una stupenda comunità umana, che sta crescendo giorno dopo giorno e che ci porterà, ne sono certo, ad ottenere un ottimo risultato in occasione delle imminenti elezioni provinciali. Una comunità, peraltro, che non si è mai tirata indietro e che anche in anni lontani ha tenuto alta la bandiera dei nostri ideali, dei nostri valori and our hopes, against those ideals, those values \u200b\u200band would destroy hopes and trampled upon.
Here, thanks to the great organizational skills Oriano, Roberto and with them many who have always been busy, we are now able to make a group, to witness by our presence physics and the consistency of our behavior, that the right exists, that the right is standing up and make himself available to the Comacchio and its people, because nothing else does not want to ask and if not this one.
But the battle to get a good result in occasione delle prossime elezioni amministrative nelle quali mi sono candidato alla Presidenza di questa Provincia, e per le quali siamo oggi qui a chiedere il vostro sostegno, non è fine a se stessa. Rappresenta infatti il trampolino di lancio che ci condurrà, di qui a meno di un anno, ad affrontare un’altra sfida importante per La Destra: quella per il rinnovo del consiglio comunale di Comacchio e per l’elezione del suo nuovo Sindaco. E anche lì, se avremo lavorato bene, se avremo fatto prevalere l’amore disinteressato per questo territorio così bello e spesso così trascurato e la nostra voglia di spenderci for it without asking anything in return, if we did touch Comacchio to the deeper meaning of the originality of our proposed policy, I am sure we will get the recognition they deserve, even in terms of electoral support.
And right now we can say that the people of Comacchio and Lidi, youth, men, women, elderly people who are closely following the vicissitudes of local politics have taken an absolute novelty of our message, our being "outside the box" and approach more and more to our section lagoon our Provincial Federation of Ferrara, demonstrating with their warmth and their love that our sacrifices are not in vain.
Anyone following the press of political events of recent weeks, you know who have tried everything to prevent us from being present in this square as in the other squares in the Ferrarese.
tried to destroy, to annihilate us, to denigrate, to offend our dignity and our honor. We have been deceived, betrayed and humiliated. We have suffered every possible form of ostracism. In the final days leading up to the closure of termini per la presentazione delle liste abbiamo sinceramente pensato di non farcela, ma non per questo ci siamo arresi. Ci siamo invece rimboccati le maniche e abbiamo ripreso il cammino perché avevamo un traguardo da raggiungere e volevamo farcela ad ogni costo. Qualcuno probabilmente in cuor suo si augurava che non ce la facessimo e già ci dava per spacciati, ma noi abbiamo dimostrato con i fatti come la nostra comunità sia fatta di gente con gli attributi, che non molla tanto facilmente e che soprattutto vende cara la propria pelle.
E a questo proposito lasciatemi ringraziare in modo particolare Massimiliano Guerzoni, Francesca Rigetti, Francesco Folda, Mirko Farina, Marco Sarti, Sergio Baroni ... without them, without their sleepless nights, without their admirable dedication, today I would not be on this stage and probably not to speak to his friend Alberto Ferretti would run for Mayor of Ferrara.
a year and a half now we are present here in Comacchio and who knows us knows that we have worked, especially in recent months to unite around the center, to create the ideal conditions for could win the first round of provincial elections, giving this region a center-Provincial President and a majority alternative policy than there has governed uninterruptedly for 64 years, with devastating results that are visible to everyone. We have worked because at last we could send home a Left arrogant and presumptuous, this time embodied by Marcella Zappaterra, all supported by the center, literally terrified by the fear of losing. Zappaterra that in a desperate quest to regain a consensus that it no longer and probably lost forever is compelled to seek the vote to citizens of Ferrara with the unfortunate slogan "change the province," implicitly acknowledging that what she is the his friends in these long years of combined management represents something to be ashamed of, rather than something to be proud of.
La Destra – al contrario – e Roberto e Oriano mi sono buoni testimoni, ha dimostrato, nel lungo periodo che ha preceduto la campagna elettorale vera e propria, un grande senso di responsabilità. E soprattutto ha dimostrato, nei momenti più difficili, che non sono mancati, di saper fare squadra, di rappresentare una comunità umana che da Cento fino a Goro, passando per Bondeno, dove candidiamo a Sindaco l’amico Marco Loberti, che saluto con affetto e che oggi è voluto essere qui con noi, ha un cuore solo, che non è disposto a vendere per nessuna ragione al mondo.
We, thank God, we are different by Senator Balboni, by John Cavicchi, Davide Verri, concerned only the need to plant as many flags as possible to mark the boundary of their possessions, rather than offer real hope for a better future for this wonderful human community Comacchio.
in the right, unlike in the PDL, or the Northern League, or improvising armed brancaleone supporting the former mayor of Bondeno, we do not make anyone's blood tests. We look at each other and ask each other we want to go. And the values \u200b\u200band ideals common start our journey together. Not through the shadows. Not have two faces and two moralities. We do not have two words. We are so, as we see, simple people, maybe a bit 'naive, because it does not and has never made a profession of politics, perhaps with a few less glossy poster on the wall because they have less money to spend than others, but Comacchio knowing that if today is close to us is because we believe in consistency in our loyalty, our ability to keep the commitments in our obstinate and stubborn will to never give up.
And believe me. That I introduce myself as a candidate for the presidency The Right of the Province of Ferrara, I have lived this experience and I paid the way down on my skin.
last year, as you may know, I represented the Right in the Provincial Council. I always tried to create the conditions for this Party could become a credible political party and accepted as such and I must say, without false modesty, I have succeeded. To months, I patiently weave the thread of relations with all political forces in the area, as the majority of opposition. This allowed us to have good visibility in the papers, to prove with facts and not just in words, of being a political movement of ideas, proposals, which has made the philosophy of doing and not give her strength and pride. Not to be, like others in recent weeks have wanted to paint, a party of nostalgia.
Because we have the ambition to be, here as elsewhere - and we're sorry for others who can not do it because it does not seem credible - Italy that does not bend his back in front of the arrogance of power, Italy that has no bosses or godfathers, who has not a Senator Balboni or Director Dragotto prostrate before whom to ask for favors with his hat in his hand, he loves that Italy In comparison, the democracy and freedom to know that people still get angry in front of that freedom and democracy tramples and humiliates daily.
As I said before, there were difficult moments, where I was literally smothered by an avalanche of deception and trickery, to put in place by the first lady art Neda Barbieri, who heads the list of Alliance for Ferrara, a pseudo list civica infarcita di neo democristiani e di ex comunisti più o meno pentiti che sostiene sul territorio candidati a sindaco che chiedono i voti contro i candidati del centrodestra; poi dalla Lega Nord di Giovanni Cavicchi, che ha imparato molto in fretta l’arte tutta romana della viltà e del tradimento.
Questi personaggi hanno cercato di tagliarci le gambe, per impedirci in ogni modo di poter sostenere alle elezioni Provinciali Davide Verri.
Perché, come saprete, io per primo, e con me il Partito, avevamo messo al servizio del Progetto politico di Davide Verri, che si presentava in the province with one of his civil list, our enthusiasm, our selfless support our availability. I believed in the premise from where it started its challenge to the PDL, which was that of "embedding, rather than exclude," as he wrote in his open letter to Senator Balboni better than a few months ago, I was deeply moved. I was deluded in short - evidently wrongly - that this view represented the great news of this political campaign, and especially Verri believed in what he said and wrote the paper.
Not so. Two months ago, have begun the blackmail, the rulings against us. Last of blackmail - as I said before - that the Northern League, the party that, in spite of the much-proclaimed federalism, centralism of Rome has made his political beliefs, although it took was a phone call from a member of the League for Roma Cavicchi require the provincial secretary, who obeyed as a soldier strutting, policy choices adopted in the salons of Deputies and the Senate instead of Ferrara, a total closure for us.
In this episode - believe me - we have shown infinite patience, sense of responsibility, willingness to do more than just a step behind. But when David Verri has officially rejected our support, breaching a pact signed with me for months with a handshake that's right for us counts more than any written agreement and possibly authenticated by a notary public, then we realized it was time of take another path, that pride, the flag, the dignity of a community that has nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to apologize or make amends, as its strong principles that are enshrined in our national statutes and which are the Party of the Right of the Italians, under a firmly rooted Tradition, looking toward the future and making of national identity and the social doctrine of the Church, its pillars and its ideal points of reference.
Bondeno a few days ago I remembered a phrase from the Gospel of Mark. He says: "If you do not receive you and will listen to you, on leaving, shake the dust from your sandals." And that's exactly what we did. We rolled up our sleeves and we started to work with more vigor than before, to collect signatures in order to arrive in time to submit our list to the provincials. And in the end we succeeded. And so today we have our list, sees that run in two provincial colleges of Comacchio friend Oriano Rossi. A list full of good people, young people, as the same folds, like Paul Montanari Argenta, entrepreneurs, women, self-employed and employees, representing a provincial list to the bottom of the real needs of this territory, its expectations, dreams and at the same time gives to those who were there, giving his availability, the feeling of being at home.
I then, dear friends, I run my party supports, from the Right, a group of trusted friends, but I encourage also certificates of sympathy in recent weeks is proving to me that so many fine people here at Comacchio, as in the rest of the province, he understood how things really went and promised us their support.
We, therefore, will be a battle at 360 °, there will also objected to Mauro Malaguti, the PDL candidate for President of the Province.
You Malaguti seen as having paved the entire province with its posters tarot cards, which reproduce in a photo taken at least ten years and twenty pounds ago. This already gives the meter of the character. Well, we in this shameless display of opulence, in the face of those who do not get to the end of the month, we would never have been used even if we had the economic means to do so. For an elementary question of good taste and because in these difficult times of economic crisis and recession, with people who struggles to make ends month, there would have seemed an unnecessary provocation.
Malaguti, has fake also the symbol of the PDL, by inserting the words "President Berlusconi," which appears nel logo approvato un paio di mesi fa in occasione del Congresso di fondazione di quel Partito. L’ha fatto perché evidentemente non si fida di se stesso e del suo messaggio politico e ha bisogno per raccattare qualche voto in più di poter contare sull’effetto trainante del Presidente del Consiglio. Io mi sono ben guardato dal far scrivere sul nostro simbolo “Storace per Gargioni”, o qualcosa del genere, anche se, credetemi, a Roma Storace conosce molto più Gargioni di quanto ad Arcore Berlusconi conosca il sig. Malaguti, di cui ignora persino l’esistenza. Non l’ho fatto perché non ho bisogno di uno specchietto per le allodole. Sono qui con la mia faccia, con le mie idee, con la mia coerenza a chiedere il vostro vote without a parachute, relying only on my strength and my personal credibility.
Malaguti is called "party man" and at least in this telling the truth. I, on the contrary, I call myself a "free man, a member of a party." He is a master who has a name and a surname, which owes its political fortunes and to which is bound to obey. In contrast, I only obey my conscience and I do not have anything to anyone because I never asked anyone. He has renounced his past for the sake of convenience, I have nothing to be denied because I have always told everyone, inside and outside the party, who sono, da dove vengo, quali sono i miei valori di riferimento, in cosa credo e dove voglio andare. Lui, con la sceneggiata andata in onda per intere settimane sui giornali locali (mi candido, non mi candido, mi candido, non mi candido…) ha dimostrato che dignità e orgoglio sono parole di cui non conosce il significato. Io al contrario ho la dignità di chi sa di rappresentare una comunità di persone che in queste settimane si sono sentite giustamente umiliate e offese e per questo mi hanno chiesto espressamente di spendermi in questa entusiasmante avventura. Lui probabilmente perderà, perché purtroppo è stato candidato dal Senatore Balboni apposta per perdere queste elezioni. I, as I have said on many other occasions, however it goes I won, because our presence in this square is the living testimony to the hubris, arrogance, intrigue which feeds these people day after day does not pass until we 'll stop him.
We have clear ideas and we, in our programs for the Province, proposals as clear. They talk to me, a new way to experience the province, where transparency, democracy and meritocracy prevail over bureaucratic logic, and patronage partitocratiche on which the center has built its electoral fortunes for decades. They talk about school, vocational training, a financial policy that aims to reduce waste, a fiscal federalism accomplished and supportive; talk about infrastructure, first of all, the proposal for a variation to the bypass of Statale Romea to Ravenna, to ' height of Porto Corsini, bypassing the hub of Porto Garibaldi and after crossing the freeway Ferrara-Mare is reunited with her Venetian Romea, thus intercepting the traffic of the old thinking and doing part of the Romea lining the Lidi a "second Acciaioli" variant whose implementation is crucial for economic and industrial growth around the Ferrara e più in generale dell’intero Paese; parlano di sanità, a partire della necessità di difendere e potenziare i presidi sanitari locali come il San Camillo, per cui tanto si è battuta e continua a battersi l’amica Tiziana Gelli; di turismo e di ambiente, con il completamento del sistema di piste ciclabili che porta verso il mare e l’utilizzo della costituenda idrovia per la promozione del turismo ambientale, di sicurezza sulle strade, di servizi sociali, di agricoltura. Impegni concreti, che essendo noi persone serie realizzeremo sul nostro onore se i cittadini ci daranno il necessario consenso per poterlo fare.
E’ quindi con grande confidence that we face the few weeks that remain of this campaign, some of that good election result that deserves our good conscience, consistency in behavior that we have always shown and the faith that unites us in friendship and never will unless we will get.
Comacchio Viva, viva la Destra di Comacchio Ferrara.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Topless And Bottomless In Public

Saturday, May 16, 2009
How To Catch Celebi Wikipedia

Saturday, May 9, 2009
What Is A Da Form 31 And Why Would You Need It?
Cari amici, cittadini di Ferrara,
qualcuno, nelle lunghe settimane che hanno preceduto la campagna elettorale vera e propria, che si apre oggi, ha fatto di tutto e di più, per impedirci di essere presenti oggi su questa piazza.
Chi ha seguito the vicissitudes of politics Ferrara local newspapers have been able to realize it. They tried to destroy, to annihilate us, to denigrate, to offend our dignity and our honor. We have been deceived, betrayed and humiliated. A hundred times in those days, we fell a hundred times we raised and we resumed the journey.
In the most difficult days, when everything seemed lost, when time was running short, when it seemed that the goal rather than closer, to go away, some of us, from myself, thought that perhaps all was in vain, that the efforts, enthusiasm and commitment that we had profuse in these two years of work in the area, patient, stubborn, stubborn, were destined to disappear into thin air, smothered by the avalanche of deception and trickery that the links were in place to cut our legs and keep us in every way to introduce ourselves to these elections administrative. Well today I, his friend Alberto Ferretti, Sergio Baroni, Massimiliano Guerzoni, Marco Loberti, which is a candidate for Mayor of Bondeno and other friends who have dealt with me this long journey in the desert, we can tell you with absolute certainty that the right of Ferrara is standing, that we have not surrendered, we accept the challenge that was launched with bare hands, with our limited means available, with virtually zero financial resources, but with the firm conviction that they have the heart and soul of a human community that does not give up, because it is strong in its ideas, its values, its ideals, infinite love for this city and this province, for our people, it belongs to any political belief.
last year, I represented the Right in the Provincial Council. I tried to create the conditions for this Party could become a credible political party and accepted as such and I must say, without false modesty, I have succeeded. For months, we have patiently woven wire reports, with all political forces in the area, as the majority of opposition. We have achieved some notoriety in the papers, we showed with facts and not just in words, of being a political movement of ideas, proposals, which has made the philosophy of doing and not give her strength and pride. Not to be, like others in recent weeks have wanted to paint, a party of nostalgia. Let the Right Ferrara - as I have already had occasion to repeat in other contexts - is not and does not want to be a saint to hang on the wall under a votive lamp, but has the ambition to be, here as elsewhere , Italy that does not bend la schiena davanti all’arroganza del potere, l’Italia che non ha padroni né padrini, quell’Italia che ama a tal punto la democrazia e la libertà da sapersi ancora indignare davanti a chi quella democrazia e quella libertà ha calpestato e mortificato, sull’altare dei suoi sporchi e loschi traffici particolari.
Qui a Ferrara e in Provincia, cari amici, la sfida è aperta, apertissima e ce la possiamo giocare sino in fondo.
Da un lato, abbiamo una Sinistra in affanno. Il Partito Democratico arriva a queste consultazioni elettorali con il fiato corto. Sateriale and water, after ten years of local government, leaving a legacy to this city and the province's economy on its knees and administrative experience in bankruptcy, lived without enthusiasm and without passion.
And this - I want to emphasize - in spite of the administrative bureaucracy of municipal and provincial records often true of excellence. Let me about it publicly thank the Secretary General of the Municipality Dr. Finardi, Dr. Tortora their employees and all employees for the great willingness and the admirable dedication and commitment with which they their delicate craft. We had first hand this morning and it seemed only right to repeat this evening in this square.
A political class - I said - do not rise to the occasion. So much so that the center-left candidate for President of the Province, Marcella Zappaterra, is compelled to seek the vote to citizens of Ferrara with the unfortunate slogan "change the province," implicitly acknowledging that what she and her friends have combined these long years of management is something to be ashamed of, rather than something to be proud of.
other hand, we have a Freedom People who gave the papers the last few months worst possible events. Torn by internal feuds, screwed on himself in a gang war that is still ongoing and that perhaps only a few time to know the winner and the loser. Even in these days, in newspapers, the nomenklatura of that party is itself referring to political movements such as the National Alliance and Forza Italy, which no longer exist except in the logic of power relations on which it was built and still holds this 'undigested jumble called PDL, led here in Ferrara by Senator Alberto Balboni.
I, dear friends, today I apply to become President of this Province. I do it after a political career that has diverted our responsibility to, at some point, from its initial leg.
As you know, we put at the service of the political project of Davide Verri, which occurs in the province with its own civil list, our enthusiasm, our selfless support our availability. We believed in the premise from where it started its challenge to the PDL, which was that of "embedding, rather than excluded, "as he wrote in his open letter to Senator Balboni a few months ago. We had the illusion that in fact that prospect would represent the great news of this political campaign. Then have begun the blackmail, the rulings against us. First by the Civic Alliance List Ferrara, led by Neda Barbieri, then by the Northern League, the party that has made its flagship Roman centralism, as seems to be needed was a a phone call from Rome to force the League's deputy provincial secretary Cavicchi policy choices adopted in the salons of Deputies and the Senate instead of Ferrara, a total closure for us.
In this matter we have shown patience, sense of responsibility, willingness to do more than just a step behind. But when it officially rejected our support, breaching a condition certainly not written, but signed for months with a handshake that right for us to count more than a piece of paper signed before a notary, then we realized that it was time to take another path, that pride, the flag, the dignity of a community has nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to apologize or make amends, as its strong principles that are enshrined in our national statutes and which are the Party of the Right of the Italians, under a firmly rooted Tradition, looking toward the future and making of national identity and the social doctrine of the Church, its pillars and its ideal points of reference.
But the more exciting battle, dear friends, is that against the PDL and its "champion", so to speak, Mauro Malaguti, the candidate himself Presidenza della Provincia. Davide contro Golia, mi verrebbe da dire. Non solo per le nostre rispettive conformazioni fisiche, ma anche per la sproporzione delle forze in campo, economiche, soprattutto. Malaguti ha tappezzato l’intera Provincia con il suo faccione e, ne siamo certi, continuerà a farlo. Ettari di Foresta Amazzonica gettati al vento. Ebbene, noi questo sfacciato sfoggio di opulenza, alla faccia di chi non arriva alla fine del mese, non ce lo possiamo permettere e non vi faremmo ricorso anche se ne avessimo la possibilità. Però non abbiamo paura, perché siamo forti delle nostre buone ragioni.
Dal signor Malaguti, cari amici, mi separa everything. He, as he repeated several times and as reiterated in his blog, says he is a "party man". I, on the contrary, I am a free man, a member of a party. " He has a boss who owes his political fortunes and to which is bound to obey. In contrast, I only obey my conscience and I do this to boast. He has renounced his past for the sake of convenience, I have nothing to be denied because I have always told everyone, inside and outside the party, who I am, where I come from, what are my values, in what I believe and where I want to go. He has shown that the dignity and pride are words that do not know the meaning, having accepted, as fact, that he will nominate and Scandic three times without flinching. In contrast, I have the dignity of those who know how to represent a community of people who in recent weeks have felt humiliated and offended, and rightly so I have specifically asked to spend in this exciting adventure. He will lose because he was nominated by Senator Balboni affixed to lose this election. I still go, I won, because our presence in this square is the living testimony to the hubris, arrogance, intrigue which feeds these people day after day does not pass, till we 'll stop him.
E’ quindi con grande fiducia che affrontiamo il mese che ci attende, certi di meritare quel buon risultato elettorale che la nostra buona coscienza, la coerenza nei comportamenti che abbiamo sempre manifestato e la fede nell’amicizia che ci unisce e che mai verrà meno ci farà ottenere.
Viva Ferrara, viva La Destra ferrarese.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Where In Wisconsin Can You Buy Snowmobiles

Programma elettorale del candidato STEFANO GARGIONI,
sostenuto dalla Lista de LA DESTRA
La meritocrazia, innanzitutto. In Provincia, come nella Scuola, come in politica. Sarò un inguaribile romantico, ma credo che se non si parte da qui, ogni sforzo rischi to have been in vain. The reorganization of the Province to which I can only pass through the promotion of merit, a system of incentives and rewards for excellence, accompanied by a mechanism of disincentives for those not engaged and does not make as it could and should. Without discount, without looking at anyone, without preferential treatment for this or that. Only then I believe we can gain the respect of many civil servants in the province and elsewhere often feel humiliated and misunderstood their role and their commitment to their abilities.
begin by talking about school. Why do the teacher by profession and because I believe, for this reason that in-mark ", or" leave a sign in "to the consciousness of my students, to make citizens aware of, is the most beautiful of the adventures that could happen to a person. I therefore believe that it should start from here to build a community - and the province is no exception - in which the values intellectual honesty, loyalty, mutual respect, fairness in relationships, fidelity to their word and commitment to the common good, can take over and establish itself as a practice daily.
In recent years, the Province is seen transfer, under the federalist logic to which we addressed was, despite all the uncertainties, since the mid-90s, many skills in school.
one time focused almost exclusively on school construction, limited to the buildings housing the upper secondary school, now is also responsible for coordinating the entire school network on the island and thus functions have a significant impact on the choices of life of thousands and thousands of teachers, not teachers, pupils and parents in different ways relate to public education in its different facets. In this regard, it is still fresh in me the memory of the approval, which occurred about six months ago, the new Plan of Studies, approved drum swing after a discussion in committee and in the classroom in which there was no time for those who had wanted to do, to think the fragility and the uncertain outcome of those proposals, some of which, in the light of the facts, are then proved unsuccessful. Amalgamations of institutions with decades of history behind it, so that will set a mark in some cases, a level of assurance about the quality of schooling and curricula that are present; amalgamations of other schools decided on the basis of inconsistent and difficult to decipherable cuts and addresses of classes with secondary schools in an attempt to give birth to fourth pole in high school, in a territory characterized by 'frantic search for qualified professionals and skilled workers, just did not feel the need. All without the effective involvement of the school who live it every day on their skin, from teachers and families of pupils. My commitment will be, if I were to be elected to revolutionize the way of "doing school" by the provincial administration. Just from the size of the training plans, which will see the active involvement, through a table of permanent confrontation, of all public and private who in different ways live on their skin are the choices you make, since the students of secondary schools. I also seek to promote a targeted towards technical and vocational education, it is determined that the necessary balance between family choices and needs of the labor market.
The school construction, after the recent events in Abruzzo believe should be paid particular attention to controls on the characteristics of earthquake resistant buildings.
Another problem that must be tackled with the utmost urgency in the light of staff cuts and classes that the Ministry through the Provincial Education Office, is carrying out in recent weeks and that is forcing schools to prepare an increasing number of classes (up to 28-30 students and beyond!), will be a serious mapping of spaces available that are used as classrooms, why not be denied to young people that guarantee of safety and health of environments by Law 626 of 94 onwards is a prerequisite.
After long fat years, during which the training has had access to rivers of money, Most of the time wasted or diverted pointless initiatives, training courses and various projects with no real return in terms of employment, now is the time of the lean. Metaphors aside, the funds coming from the region have declined dramatically, so now comes the need to manage scarce resources with quell'oculatezza than in the past, purely for reasons of patronage, has never been used. Vocational Education and Training, in my view, must think more and more as an opportunity for a non-sectoral development of the different private, public and business. In particular with regard to relations with the school and the world of work. Experiences "integrated" training-vocational education, experience in recent years in various professional institutes including the 'Einaudi ", in which it provided services, have given inconclusive results. The failure, for example, the various paths OFI (Offer Integrated Learning) require a rethinking complete way in which the CFP (Vocational Training Centres) will in future deal with the schools, in institutes of the role of trainers, the ability of courses to ensure in practice that "something" more in terms of experience of vocational where students have certainly needed.
When the relationship with the world of work, it requires better coordination of CFP with employment centers operated by the province, which for over ten years have inherited the role and functions of old offices and in which the active employment policy, including through the implementation of training courses for workers and employers, plays a key role in facilitating the match between supply and demand and thus new opportunities for employment.
the province receive an inheritance from the past management if you win the election, would be an objective body in distress from a financial viewpoint. For years, the Administration uscente ha puntato sulla massimizzazione delle entrate attraverso l’imposizione delle aliquote più alte possibili sui tributi propri. Di pari passo, ha sistematicamente finanziato i suoi investimenti facendo ricorso a mutui i cui interessi da restituire oggi sono nei fatti una pesante palla al piede. E non si è preoccupata – come avrebbe dovuto fare un buon padre di famiglia – di ridurre la spesa corrente e di attuare una seria politica di lotta agli sprechi. Si trova così in grande difficoltà, a maggior ragione dopo l’entrata in vigore del nuovo Patto di stabilità, che premia gli Enti più virtuosi e che impedisce a chi ne fosse tentato di aumentare ulteriormente la pressione fiscale e la spesa pubblica, che anzi deve essere drastically reduced. Cut waste, however you can. Just the political will and the foresight that the last consiliatura obviously, but also in the previous one, is lacking. I am thinking too much and too expensive external consultants, sometimes even when unnecessary - and often does - the body has within it the expertise to deal with administrative matters, including complex without having to go elsewhere. I think of the many small expenses unnecessary incurred a daily basis, that alone would give cause for particular concern in itself, but if added to one another represent a transfer of resources incredibile che potrebbe essere indirizzato verso obiettivi più incisivi. Penso infine alle privatizzazioni, di cui se è fatto forse uso con eccessiva prudenza.
Le politiche finanziarie dell’Ente, per gli anni a venire, dovranno necessariamente tenere conto dell’attuazione del federalismo fiscale di cui all’art. 119 della Costituzione Italiana, così come modificato dalla legge costituzionale n. 3 del 2001, che ha profondamente innovato nei suoi contenuti il Titolo V sulle autonomie locali. L’auspicio è che il legislatore, nell’ottica della sussidiarietà verticale che is the other pillar on which is based on the new institutional arrangements, will give birth after years of unjustified delay, a real "federal solidarity", which combines the focus on weaker areas of the country, in which equalization funds to intervene with specially designed with a true and final revenue and expenditure autonomy for provincial and municipal governments, can same time deliver cost savings, optimization services, accountability of directors , public monitoring.
When in 1995 I was elected for the first time in the Provincial Council, the subjects which disperses in the field of infrastructure were essentially those under discussion today. Too bad that since then we have now spent fourteen years and has seen little concrete. Major infrastructure work for the realization of which is now improcrastinabile think of a path of absolute priority are: the completion of the SS 16; Cispadana that is vital to the economic and industrial growth in an area otherwise largely isolated and lacking commercial viability of a road worthy of the name, a variant of the SS Romea Ravenna height of the ring road bypassing the hub of Porto Corsini Porto Garibaldi and after crossing the freeway Ferrara-Mare is reunited with her Venetian Romea, thus intercepting the heavy traffic and making the old section of the Romea lining the Lidi a "second Acciaioli" and finally the implementation of the E55.
But next to the road works will require a total change of view that, in view of better value-road environment, think again how to transport people and goods through a policy that favors the provincial road transport to rail. In this sense, the implementation of the railway and the Portsmouth-Dogato Codigoro that leads to Adria, together with the continuation of a line from Ferrara to the sea port in Codicote, to Porto Garibaldi, are wide-ranging strategic interventions, which if implemented would contribute significantly to improving the quality of provincial infrastructure system as a whole.
There is no doubt that this issue still open, as the forthcoming Hospital Cona, in the eyes of the citizens of Ferrara is a true "open wound". The accuracy with which it was identified the place in which to raise the hospital, the incredible waste of resources that we have witnessed over the years, the wretched health policy that dismissed out other possibilities, certainly more suited to the demand for medical and surgical treatment in the City and the Province needed, give the gloomy picture of a still unsolved problem on which a whole chapter should be written. But this is not the place. Now you just have to hope that the hospital is carried out as soon as possible and is operational as soon as possible in its various departments.
But health is not just Ferrara Cona. It is also made of other healthcare facilities in the area, in defense of which entire communities have fought in years not far la loro giusta battaglia e che oggi vanno potenziali nelle loro strutture e nei loro servizi, per garantire un’offerta sanitaria sempre più “vicina” al cittadino e al paziente.
E’ poi fatta delle attese interminabili per ottenere le prestazioni medico-specialistiche di cui si ha bisogno, a volte urgenti. E’ fatta di lunghe file agli sportelli, di attese bibliche davanti alla porte dei medici di famiglia per una visita di routine quando non per una semplice ricetta. Di queste problematiche la Provincia deve farsi carico, in funzione di coordinamento e di concerto con i Comuni, eventualmente anche attraverso la creazione di un Comitato paritetico able to monitor "in progress" the efficiency and effectiveness of health care in the different districts and the necessary corrective action, where there was a need in the most timely manner possible.
In reality land such as ours, problems related to the protection environment in its diverse natural beauty, of which the Ferrarese is immensely rich, who can not keep pace with an ever more accurate overall tourism offer. Tourism is life, rest and recreation, but is also an important opportunity to promote the City, the Beaches and Delta Park, led by the enormous potential that this may inevitably entail. If something was missing in recent years, it was precisely that activity is a serious and continuous coordination and that the province should have been able to play, in collaboration with the Region and with the different local realities, to make the offer tourism in the territory more attractive and more competitive than proposals coming from areas close to us, but much more aggressive on this front. There has often promotions maybe even laudable and meritorious, but unrelated to each other, where the logic of the tower has most often prevailed on the harmonization of the proposal, creating the conditions for tourism that hit and run " Ferrara referred to has been discussed for years and still looks a handicap which seems so hard to shake.
Today, tourists no longer satisfied with a simple visit to the City of art or soggiorno al mare stile “anni Sessanta”. In quest’ottica il turismo ambientale appare certamente la carta giusta da giocare, anche per il crescente interesse che muove un pubblico sempre più vasto di cittadini italiani e di stranieri. Completare le tante infrastrutture per la realizzazione di percorsi all’aria aperta, correlando questi interventi con l’utilizzo della costituenda idrovia in chiave prevalentemente turistica appare certamente la carta vincente da giocare. L’esperienza che ho vissuto lo scorso anno in Alta Val Pusteria, pur in un contesto completamente diverso, mi conferma nel convincimento che il potenziamento del sistema di piste ciclabili presente sul territorio, abbinato ad una serie di nuove proposte storico-culturali and food and wine that will marry them in a necessary and ideal combination, might produce the desired effect.
People are afraid. Today more than yesterday. That this fear is borne out by facts, and not vice versa, only the result of mass suggestion, the witness of the many facts and micro macrocriminalità that even in our province recorded unfortunately In recent years, statistical indicators in serious growth. The Provincial Authority, of course, is not directly appointed to take charge of issues related to public order and combating of crime, but it can and will still have to work tomorrow more than yesterday with the police to each level and with the bodies of the direct device located on the territory, beginning of course with Prefecture, which will be appropriate to suggest a more widespread presence of various Commissioners in major centers of our province who are still baked.
security in the province but must pay in person with a sense of responsibility and individual attention than in the past has sometimes lacked, is on the road. Safety and viability, in fact, are inseparable. Just out of town, to meet roads best suited to a true "camel trophy" that a peaceful Sunday drive out of town, and are an objective element of danger and looming for those who go. Increased and systematic maintenance of roads, then. Accompanied by a rapid and more effective prevention activities in schools, from kindergarten to high school. Empowerment young people in particular, coming to maturity, could substantially reduce the tragic phenomenon of "Saturday night" but that in recent times, is dramatically increasing. Something important has been already made in this direction in the schools like mine, more sensitive than others to the problem with the direct involvement of the State Police and local police, through the inclusion of these activities in projects at the beginning of each year are approved by the Graduate School and financed by the fund of the Institute. But initiatives like this unfortunately, very meritorious, are left to the goodwill of individual teachers, without any part the function of the Province and solicitation sting that would make it the common heritage of all educational institutions in the area. In this sense I shall mean move, should you be elected.
And finally, the Civil Protection. Even more so after recent flooding caused by heavy rains in past weeks, it is increasingly felt the need for consultation between the individual municipalities, associations of municipalities (high, medium and low Ferrara) and the Province, which should assume the role management and coordination, including through developing the necessary arrangements through special agreements with the associations volunteer involved in the industry.
The role that social services are called to play in the territory with the passage of time takes on increasing importance. Historically, our province has always been characterized by a birth rate among the lowest in Italy. The progress of medical science has certainly helped people to live better and longer, but also produced a progressive aging of the population. Now in the Province of Ferrara for a child under 15 years of there are 3 older than 65. This is something that should make us reflect, not only in cultural terms but, more immediately, in practical terms.
families, in their articulation, have nothing to do with the old patriarchal family "extended" in which we took care of the elderly, however, considered a landmark, for the experience and not quite Weighing in free as soon as possible. Today, single-person households that live in our area, but steadily being broken in the sense of collective suffering that unites them and the continuity of the common path of those who composed, more than ever need for public intervention to support and supportive. The elderly, however, is not a pack of parking in more or less indefinitely in a hospital ward rather than in a nursing home. It 's a person with dignity and that for this to be helped to live the last years of his life with the knowledge to be useful to themselves and others. In this view should be reduced wherever possible hospitalization and enhanced home care services. Are then encouraged the "best practices" that already exist in our schools. Institute "Einaudi", for example, the course of Social Services, started many years and attended by a growing number of students, should be valued in the relationship with the province, so that they are more numerous and enriching experience "in the field "Our young people in relation to the world of suffering in all its aspects (disability, elderly), for a training program more comprehensive and forming, in the perspective of a future job opportunities.
The world of agriculture has historically represented our province a real flower buttonhole. "Province with an agricultural vocation," we used to say, orographically ideal for many types of production, from arable to the orchard. But today the world of agriculture is undergoing a period of severe crisis, which seems to make it hard to quit. Complained to me of what an entrepreneur friend as pointed out last week in the province of Ferrara to be witnessing a sort of "return to the estate, with a few large farmers who buy ever-increasing slice of land to be used for productive purposes and small and medium-sized businesses, mainly family, always more difficulty in sustaining economic competition more fierce today than yesterday. If we add to the delays with which farmers are seen pay damages incurred during the disaster (some are still waiting for refunds for disasters dating back to 2006!) And the increasing difficulties in accessing loans bank, you can well understand how the situation is far from rosy.
E 'therefore need to scale up interventions in support of the weaker businesses, including through the instrument dell'Agrifidi and develop more and more brands doc local products, focusing on production with renewed enthusiasm quality.
Ho chiamato questo Programma elettorale “La Provincia che vorrei”. Una scelta non casuale, perché sono assolutamente convinto che solo chi crede in ciò che dice e chi fa ciò che pensa possa a buon diritto pretendere di gestire un Ente come la Provincia, che ha bisogno di amministratori convinti delle loro buone ragioni e soprattutto onesti. Io sono così, con i miei limiti, di cui sono consapevole, ma con l ‘entusiasmo che mi deriva dalla novità di un’avventura inattesa e comunque entusiasmante, alla quale mi accingo. Non ho l’ambizione di cambiare il mondo e per I looked this good from presenting an ideological agenda that, as such, would have been objectively sterile in its assumptions and its possible outcomes. However, I have the absolute conviction that by working with commitment and loyalty things along the way of conceiving the relationship between people and to live them in everyday experience as the provincial administration, can really change. A little 'time, how it tastes.
STEFANO Gargioni
Candidate for President of the Province Ferrara for the right